Your Unique Force-Field

Your Unique Force-Field

Stay Strong Using Your Experience


Have you created great things in your life and had to watch as circumstances swept in and caused those achievements to fall apart?


Well I’ve got good news for you: the things you’re able to create reflect the patterns of your unique force-field. Hence, whatever you did once, you can and will do again. It’s just who you are and what you’re made of!


With the benefit of experience (that often only comes from things falling apart), the 2.0 (or 3.0) achievements will come together in a stronger, better way and will have a better chance of remaining strong than what you built previously!


So wipe away those tears and trust your one-of-a-kind force-field. This is what is meant by the adages “Nothing is ever lost,” and “If it’s truly yours it will always come back to you.”


in loving service,



Higher Self

Higher Self

The True Light – Your Higher Self 


You can think of your ‘Higher Self’ as that part of yourself that is still within the God-Mind, still in the True Light.


In this context, you can see how and why your Higher Self knows best what you need rather than the personal Self that you identify with in Matrix-consciousness.


If you are on a big journey in life that feels rocky and not where you wanted or expected to go, it’s probably because that which knows far more and sees far more clearly, (“as if face-to-face” with the Creator), has plans that most likely include getting you out of the Matrix.


But cognitive dissonance and lack of practice computing true things (because we’re so well-practiced computing false things) keeps interfering and opposing the truth that our Higher Self wants us to see.


This opposition to the journey that our Higher Self wants to take us on causes us to keep banging our heads against the same walls!


Where is your ‘Higher Self’ trying to take you and help you see?


in loving service,



Illusionary Matrix ‘Wealth’ = An Invisible Virus

Illusionary Matrix ‘Wealth’ = An Invisible Virus

Greed, Vanity and Fear


Taking more than what we need is a virus from the Matrix. Isolated, this virus can be understood as  factors of greed, vanity & fear – all of which are addictions. If you’re familiar with the term “Wetiko,” that is a great way of understanding the greed/vanity/fear ‘virus’ in part. But even comprehending Wetiko is merely a stepping stone.


The false light Matrix (again false light = false knowledge/false information as light is information), usurps our mind and directs us to being enamored with what IT has deemed valuable, luxurious & desirable by Matrix-programming. But these are all lies – lies which transmit a terrible virus that is invisible but life-destroying.


Wealth, Luxury, and Success


We must see the illusions of wealth, luxury, success, status, etc. for what they are. We are not free when we become rich in worldly terms. Unless you are one of the very few who remains in sync with Natural Law despite possessing abundant material wealth, you are suffering from a virus, and if I may go a step further, a form of insanity. If we are not free then how can we be successful? There is no true success without freedom. The degree to which we are truly free (having re-accessed our true light) is the degree to which we are alive, truly alive, not merely having a heartbeat.


I am only pointing this out so we can remediate ourselves from this terrible virus. The virus can begin to be cured by righting our understanding of wealth.


Regardless of whether you stand on the side of being wealthy by worldly standards or impoverished by worldly standards (or anywhere in between,), you have received the same ‘coding’ from the Matrix Mind-field as per wealth and value.


There is no envying those who possess ‘worldly’ wealth when you understand this virus they suffer from. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not judging anyone with material wealth. It’s just the way it is. My job is to help anyone who’s interested in understanding the way this works, to be healed, which begins with awareness/knowledge.


True Health and True Wealth


When we understand the fundamentals of life and sovereignty, true wealth & true health, we can redirect our course and not be deceived by what we have been coded to believe should satisfy us or what we should want to attain. Our goals will change in light of this canceled false light code and our relationship with consumption on all levels changes.


Wherever we consume more than what we need we will suffer. This is self-evident. The degree to which we consume more than we require in any form is the degree to which we suffer sicknesses on all levels.


Over Consumption


And think beyond mere consumption of physical possessions and food which are obvious. Consider also over-consumption of sex (especially dysfunctional sex which is sadly what is most practiced), over-consumption of other people’s energy through drama or control, over-consumption of sound frequencies, media, etc. For all over-consumption there is a price that must be paid by the one who over-consumes. The price is freedom, well-being, clarity, connection with one’s true light.


Any directives encouraging you to indulge in over- consumption all come straight from the Matrix-construct because the Matrix’s only aim is to consume your energy and keep you in the dark about your true light and the real power you would have if you were not chasing your tail on the hamster wheel it has secured you to through ITs mind control.


It’s a process. But the more we wake up to the false light codes and how they rob us of our aliveness (our true light), the more we can (finally!) come alive!


in loving service,


Natalia Rose

Take Back Our Truth

Take Back Our Truth

False Light Defined


You are living in an ideological construct. That is what the Matrix is. When I say it is “false light” that means it is false knowledge, false information, an illusionary mesh of lies that lock you in and have you believing it to be real, true, sensible. It is anything but.


We must see through this false-light ideological web so we can take back our truth. When we take back our truth and are no longer saturated by the ills and evils of the false light, we will see that we also do not need outside government. Once restored, we are naturally self-governing. Talk about small government! The bigger the outside authority becomes, the more evidence that we are in a mind-control trance, distanced from our truth, entrained in and by the false light – made into zombies.


This is why communism (and its precursors) are so antithetical to humanity. Communism is evidence of the annihilation of the human Spirit & it’s truth. It is like a tombstone – a sign that the eradication of human truth is complete.




The opposite of communism is not capitalism. The opposite of communism is self-governance. Believe in your own goodness under all this mind-control. We can dissolve the Matrix web inside of us and be restored to our truth.


The degree to which we dissolve the web of false light is the degree to which we can easily be accountable and responsible for our actions and be a blessing to life, no further government required.


We could still choose to have collective laws & elected officers but these laws and their guardians would be a beacon of that true light.


As we catch the vision and restore ourselves to freedom from the mental, physical & emotional dystrophy of a lifetime in the Matrix, the humanity-wide restoration takes shape.


Ask yourself this genuinely: “How capable am I of self-governing?” This will tell you a great deal about how deeply the Matrix has ensnared you. It’s not about self-judgement. Use what you know to right yourself. Measure your success by how the answer to that question changes over time.


in loving service,


Natalia Rose

Individual Quest

Individual Quest

The Marker Within Each of Us


There is a marker within us that is as unique as our fingerprint. We come to discover it only once we have dissolved the Matrix enough to restore our true light. It is the marker of our Individual Quest.


This is one big reason why the individual must be given equal importance as the community, and not be silenced or washed out or shut down for some false ideal of communism or socialism. To do that is to shut down and wash away the fire of life.


If you are fortunate enough to have come to truly know your unique quest – your real ‘raison d’etre,’ you will be happy and satisfied in an unshakeable way. But we have to dissolve the Matrix to get to this treasure of our purpose/Quest.


We are not here to work for the Matrix but we are here to do important work! The difference between the two is stratospheric.


Unblock and Free Your Individual Quest


There is so much false light, unimaginable concentrations of inversions and perversions of death-imprint energies (masquerading as language, entertainment, nourishment, education, aspirations, responsibilities, etc.) saturating our energy field, bio-terrain and mental field, occluding our truth. It’s pointless to try to find your true purpose under all that garbage. But make no mistake, it is there.


You have a Quest that will deeply satisfying your reason for bringing your Spirit into a body in this timeline. The more you get rid of the garbage-ideologies, internal waste matter and entrained programming, the sooner you’ll reunite with that Quest and discover that deep satisfaction that sets you on your path of deeply fulfilling work.


in loving service,


Natalia Rose