
Awaken and Release


When you release intestinal waste, you go from low-energy to high-energy.


That’s the physics of waste removal.


It’s that simple. We gain energy by subtraction of matter (old food residue leaving), not by filling up on new matter.


You can’t eat your way out of your personal energy crisis. You have to release your way out of it.


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Valuing Hardship

Valuing Hardship

It’s Making You Stronger


Wisdom for when the dial of difficulty gets turned up, from my training session today with the great Sensei Bradley Grant-Smith:


“Enjoy it; it’s making you stronger!”


This is what he said to me when the going was getting grueling & it worked! Not only that, I could apply my Sensei’s empowering adage to several other areas of my life instantly!


If hardship feels like it’s practically a way of life for you, apply this refreshing perspective & and notice what’s growing stronger within you as you persevere through your difficulties.


Remember, hardship can be embraced & even valued – it’s all a matter of attitude!


in loving service,


Natalia Rose

Soul Growth

Soul Growth

Grow Your Soul


Remember that ‘playing it safe,’ meaning toeing the cultural/societal line, almost never equates to safety in the long run.


Conformity is not safe; it merely presents an illusion of safety.


You are only truly safe when your values & wisdom align with your soul growth — this requires courage every time and often appears to the outside world of conformists as madness.


The individual on his/her noble (albeit oft’ misunderstood) heroic journey has a natural, healthy irreverence for how the conformed perceive them.  That is how it must be and how it is for those who move on, evolve and grow enlightened.


in loving service,


Natalia Rose

Key Tools the False Light Uses: Eating & Sex

Key Tools the False Light Uses: Eating & Sex

Eating and Sex


Eating & sex are the two most misunderstood and erroneously executed practices here on earth.  Thanks to the Matrix, we have been trained to approach both with complete disregard to our sacred nature. As a result, both eating & sex destroy us.


Celibacy is like fasting. It resets your sexual ‘palate.’ It is crucial to revisit the origins of our programming around eating and sex. For as long as we do either (much less both) as our culture models to us, we further defile ourselves.


I challenge you to a period of fasting and/or a period of conscious celibacy as a way to restore the integrity of your physical and sexual fields. The healing required for both fields is extensive, but at least it may begin by these methods, if done properly.


All which we have culturally been directed to consume by mouth and through our sexual energy field is wrong. It is so wrong that it hijacks our innate truth (which largely explains why the world is as lost & depraved as it is today).


The truth about eating & sex has been inverted. The only way back is to set it all straight again. We must be quick to release the erroneous ideologies that have set us on a destructive path.


Contemplate it and trace all disease and the destruction of the family and the soul back to the perversions of food and sex. It is so simple, so obvious.


The more a person craves sexual gratification, the further they have distanced themselves from the Creator. The gratification they seek in the orgasm is the force of life from the Creator. But they instead receive a damaging, acidic, addictive form of that force – call it “false fire” or “false light.” This is the same with the consumption of false-fire foods and too much food.


The nearer you are to the Creator/Creative force, the fewer needs you have and the more clearly you perceive the value and correct engagement with sexuality & food.


These perversions, created from the inverted way the ‘false light’ operates is how we are subtly but systematically entrained to operate in sync with the false light. The false light grooms us from our first breath.


It’s a lot to accept but once you see it, you’ll get it. And once you get it, you can’t be deceived by it anymore (unless you choose to be).


You can be restored to your truth and power. This knowledge is central to true restoration, individually & collectively.


in loving service,


Natalia Rose

Self-Care 2020: Canceling False Codes & Restoring True Light

Self-Care 2020: Canceling False Codes & Restoring True Light

Canceling False Codes


Taking care of oneself in today’s world takes on a much higher meaning and expression. What follows has always been the ideal but is now an urgent call:


To take care of yourself in these times is to build a fortress of incorruptible light in and around yourself. It is to cultivate a truly strong mind, free of mind-control, free of brainwashing and a heart so pure that you do not have any of your power drained by the typical inclinations common to the dark world we were all indoctrinated by.


We were not only indoctrinated with ideologies that undermined our light and our sovereignty but with ‘feeling-templates’ that caused us to develop what you might call demons in our hearts, “feeling-devils or “emotional pathogens” as you prefer. “Feeling devils” are emotions that undermine our light codes and sovereignty in the same way as evil thought forms in our mental field, just in a different center of our being (the emotional center).


We must become so vigilant over these undermining thoughts and feelings that were overlaid upon our true blueprint so we can dissolve them. ‘Thought/feeling-devils’ keep us out of our power. They are so sly that they convince us they are important so we prioritize these thoughts & feelings, unaware that we are behaving as slaves to a program. These false, overlaid codes that direct our thoughts & feelings are our chains, our cages, our shackles and our prison wardens.


What can you do about them? How can you cancel and dissolve them so as to restore your authentic, native, pure light codes? You can start by observing your thoughts and feelings rather than accepting and acting upon them. Trace them back to their origin, your Matrix coding. When you see them in their false light origin, you will be able to render them powerless. From there, you can instead choose thoughts and feelings that are in-line with the incorruptible light from which we come, that which we are.


How many of these false light codes can you identify in the course of an hour? More than you can possibly count. But try to note them down somehow and see the patterns and connections between them.


Its a huge challenge but I encourage you to track them. Unchecked, they feed on your life and multiply.  Catching these false codes is part of shadow work (the codes that run your life unnoticed are ‘in the shadows’). You overcome and set yourself free (from Matrix enslavement) by identifying them, not by deflecting your attention from them and pretending it’s not so (that will only keep you stuck).


As you catch them, remember not to criticize yourself. You’re winning when you catch whole hoards of them. It shows your strength; it’s not a weakness. It is also an act of great self-love to identify and dispel these false codes because as you identify them, you activate the conditions for the true codes to come forth and fill you with the real light! Always ask yourself (for this is the great litmus test between the real vs. false light): “Is this [thought/feeling] incorruptible? Does it contribute to my corrosion or to my embodiment of incorruptibility?” Incorruptibility is the only way home. Home is our embodiment of the Supreme Essence. This is why we must not think ill of anyone and keep our thoughts pure.


But please don’t mistake me: this does not mean we turn a blind eye to the evil in the world. It means that we can be warriors and slay these evils, staring them down while we remain uncorrupted by the sight of them. You can see the truth of the horrors of this moment in time and speak the truth with power and clarity. No need to hide or divert your eyes. Power is not running from the horrors of the 3-D world. The more you develop and embody the real (incorruptible) light, the more you can move across the battlefield saving the innocent and decapitating the vile enemy. The sun doesn’t get dirty or have it’s light diminished when it shines its cleansing rays upon a filthy, depraved city, for example. Love is fierce. True love is a force of incorruptible Spirit. That is what we can become! That is the focus of self-care in our times!


in loving service,

