Entropy and Dietetics: Part 3

Entropy and Dietetics: Part 3

Sugary Foods


The next major constituency of the high-entropy food club are sugary foods. Sugars are high entropy because sugar effects the tissues like acid and immediately begins eating away at living tissue (rather use a bit of natural stevia). With sugars, it’s that simple – it eats healthy tissue and feeds pathogens (yeast/fungus, bacteria, viruses and parasites) and as it does so (creating new pathogens). When you think sugars, think: “FAF”: F=Fungus, A=Addiction, F=Fermentation. FAF=Rot


Now, consider what happens when sugary foods meet processed foods…you have a double whammy of high-entropy substance. It’s an exponential offense – a kind of Jurassic Park of high entropy foods! And then, consider packaged foods that contain animal flesh like Pork Rinds and beef jerky.


Next we have the processed cow dairy products because they have no redeeming life force and they are extremely gluey, followed by the refined starch category. The more refined the starches, the higher-entropy. This is because the more processed, the more sticky the starch. The stickier the starch, the more it will stick in the tissue and also invite mucoid plaque to develop (which all these high-entropy substances do by the way).


Mucoid plaque is another way of suffocating life force and cells/preventing conductivity and reducing oxygen in the blood and tissues. So, consider all starches from rice to bread to pop-corn and their entropic effect. These are not natural human foods for human tissue. These are just things we’ve adopted and come to take a certain pleasure in. You can just as easily leave them behind in favor of water-containing low-entropy plant foods that will not rot you out of your otherwise beautiful physical home.


The low-entropy category is as follows: top of the hierarchy (the most low-entropy foods, meaning the least inclined to contribute to rot in the body and most inclidned to help remediate it) are wild herbs. Wild herbs (all green herbals: parsley, cilantro, dandelion, basil, mint, rocket/arugula, etc.) should be the mainstay of the modern diet because they snuff out rot and imbue the body with synthesized sunlight (chlorophyll, the body’s truest food-source nourishment).


Tomorrow, the Final Installment of Entropy and Dietetics!


in loving service,



Entropy and Dietetics: Part 2

Entropy and Dietetics: Part 2

Rotting Foods


Foods and substances which do not rot readily at room temperature, on shelves but DO cause the body to rot more readily than other substances are “high-entropy foods.” To state it differently, they might not rot outside the body but boy do they ever get the body rotting once they get in!


So, since these packaged, processed foods are the most inclined to cause the most rapid deterioration in the body, I define them as high-entropy substances.


The highest entropy substances, even higher than packaged processed foods are chemicals, heavy metals and radiation. This puts pharmaceutical drugs at the tippity top of the high-entropy hierarchy, right up there with lead, mercury and radioactive fallout. There’s not much more of a sinister and rot-inducing substance than pharmaceutical drugs.


Next down on the hierarchy we have the highest-entropy foods: these are the processed foods (notice: processed foods have an extremely low-water content which means they instantly stick like glue in the tissue.) Without the kinetic energy to help move them through the body, this is the kind of stuff that pretty much stays with you forever. I know you might like it — but do you like it that much?


This category virtually instantly suffocates healthy cells and tissues upon arrival and accelerates the decomposition cycle, starting wherever they land/nest after ingestion. In and among this category we have concentrated ‘machine’ oils like canola and safflower oil. This group is also home to all processed soy foods as well as all foods that have been treated with hormones, antibiotics or other shelf-life chemicals: namely mainstream animal products. The dead tissue (animal flesh) is also known as necrotic tissue and necrotic tissue by definition is decomposing tissue. This is what you are eating when you are eating animal fleshes. I say this without judgment.


It doesn’t do anyone any good to judge this, just to look at what it actually is. Animal products may still play a role in a smart transitional cleansing diet but let’s be conscious about what animal flesh is – it is a decomposing material. This is why it is dyed and has such a short [natural] shelf-life.


Tomorrow, Part 3 of Entropy and Dietetics!


In loving service,



Exercise & You’ll Exorcise!

Exercise & You’ll Exorcise!

Exercise to Exorcise


There’s only a one letter difference between “exercise” and “exorcise” – and good reason for that!


When you exercise, meaning you truly break a sweat, you are expunging old waste products which carry little physical entities called “pathogens” and little non-physical entities called “demons”. It’s a whole lot easier to be demon-free if you add plenty of exorcising exercise to your waste-entity-cleansing-routine.


What an easy way to expunge inauthentic parts of you that are not you but took up residence in you! Maybe knowing this will be a better motivation tool for getting you to exercise. I know for many of you it will!


Believe it or not, as much as I enjoy exercise when I’m actually in the midst of it, it’s often hard for me to get going. I’m a life-long athlete and committed to my training but that doesn’t mean I don’t often procrastinate training sessions and sometimes even skip (not often but it does happen)!


But if I think for just a moment of the fact that I can expunge squatter rogue entities from my psychic field that may be hitching a ride on my spiritual-physical-mental embodiment, that will get me squatting, sprinting, punching, pushing up and pressing weights faster than you can say God-Force! Godspeed the God-Force! Exercise & you’ll exorcise!! Expunge the loiterers and be 100% beautiful You!!


in loving service,



Entropy and Dietetics: Part 1

Entropy and Dietetics: Part 1

Entropy and Dietetics: Making BIG Connections!


Now that we’ve established that centripetal force/spin is syntropic (a.k.a. life-generating) and centrifugal force/spin is entropic (a.k.a. life-deteriorating), we can go to the next step and apply this knowledge to our dietetics! You all are always asking me about the dietetic details so here you go! Here’s what we’re going to do in this installment:


Step #1: Define and identify high-entropy foods/substances vs. low-entropy foods substances (see detailed explanation below).


Step #2: Reflect on dietetic intake (and historic intake — because that residue is still within you until you’ve done a significant amount of tissue cleansing) and therefore it is still your state of ‘internal affairs.’ (In other words, it’s your responsibility to look at it squarely in the eye and rectify it).


Step #3: Understand one of the most important facts of entropy and why it causes such a rapid de-spiraling process. Get ready for it…it is unpleasant and you may cringe as you read the word, I warn you but it is true: the entropic event is ROT. You do not need to have rotting substances in your body but until you can look at it for what it is and remediate it, that’s the issue. Decay, disease, illness, symptoms are all just indications of rot/degrees of rot (caused, as you now know, by blockages and “cut threads.”).


Step #4: Remove the rot by adopting a low-entropy diet, saturating the rot in greens and removing the accumulation from the tissue.


Okay, Step #1: I define and identify high-entropy foods and substances as: “Those foods/substances which incline our physicality and fields most readily toward entropic unraveling/rot.” Now, I realize that food technologists typically define high-entropy foods as the very opposite of my definition because their interest is in shelf-life, not tissue life. So, Setting the record straight: Substances that are designed for longest shelf life ARE ACTUALLY THE MOST INCLINED TO CAUSE ROT INSIDE OUR BODIES, THEREFORE THESE ARE THE MOST HIGH-ENTROPY SUBSTANCES IN THE LARGER SCHEME OF THINGS.


Tomorrow, Part 2 of Entropy and Dietetics!


in loving service,



Parasite Destroyer

Parasite Destroyer



If you happen to be at your local health shop today or ordering online, might I suggest a bottle of Artemisinin (a.k.a. Wormwood). Artemisinin is a highly effective parasite destroyer. When a virus is inside a host cell, it becomes an “obligate intracellular parasite.” Artemisinin is so effective against malaria and the family of herpes viruses because they are not just viruses, they are also parasites! We think of them as viruses but they actually behave like parasites. Ergo, why don’t we deal with this latest rogue virus as a parasite rather than as a virus, particularly if we are unsuccessful in the latter??


Best of all, there is no negative effect from taking Artemisinin – it is always at the top of the list of pathogen-eviscerating tools I recommend for my clients. So, the worst that can happen if you take it is you’ll smoke out hoards of parasites that you would be well rid of anyway and you’ll have a stronger immune system for it! Best case: you’ll also smoke out any uninvited Covid-19 RNA that wormed their way (allow the pun) into your cells. Here’s to conquering this thing, my beautiful human family!


in loving service,

