How to say goodbye to Mother Africa…

How to say goodbye to Mother Africa…

How does one say goodbye to Mother Africa, to the great, glorious edifice we call “Table Mountain,” to the crashing South Atlantic, to the place that would not let me pass into my greater future without paying the proverbial troll? Oh, the dreadful, painful lessons that Mama Africa says, in her way, are, “For you own good.”

In the countdown to my return to America after seven and a half long years here in the Jurassic beauty of this land, juxtaposed with the totally unexpected disappointment of its social structure (which, to be fair, I was well warned about but didn’t grasp until, in my still relative naiveté, I was singed by the sting of its scorpion tail – which ultimately brought me to a sort of maturity I hadn’t even realized I was lacking (but I was – so thanks, Mama Africa — mother did know best!). It was all a blessing in the end and only a place like this can pull you in and reshape you. I am endlessly grateful for the experience, even though I would never have invited it or agreed to it consciously (are you mad?!).

There are too many goodbyes to acknowledge one by one. But there are a special handful of precious souls that made the journey bearable, sane and even joyous. You know who you are.

Sometimes we have to go so far away from home to appreciate home. And boy do I now appreciate home (as well as how & why we must venture far away from home to have the opportunity to become our next level self!

My Chatham Hall friends will well recall the traditional song sung at ‘Senior Night in The Well’ — the “I’m coming back when,” song!” Well, I guess all those things have happened, cuz I’m coming back. And to quote Jon Bon Jovi, “Who says you can’t go home? There’s only one place they call you one of their own…”

But we have to go out into this big, wild world – stretch out and put our big toe in, feel into all the things that call our soul to experience LIFE!! And I did that. It wasn’t misguided. It was right on target, even if it strangled and even very nearly mangled me. But, I’ll tell you this one thing (otherwise your outcome might not be so good): be pure, keep your integrity and watch for dragons! On the old maps they used to write, in uncharted areas, “Here be dragons.”

Look, I’m an adventurous old soul and I will always take the road less traveled. But, my advice is to be ready for dragons because dragons there will be! And you’ll need to make sure that your inner fire is bigger and badder than any other fire you might be confronted with. The ONLY way to do that is to cloak yourself, saturate yourself in integrity, purify your life, raise your consciousness above the world’s and keep going when the journey is tough. Like Winston Churchill said, “When you’re going through hell, keep going.” That adage, among others, got me through.

And then, remember this: you will heal. You will recover your energy if you stay focused on virtuous things, if you keep “thine eye single to the light.” Stay virtuous. Stay pure. Harbor zero dysfunctional anger. Never look back. Do this in your worst situations and you will come out intact. Don’t ‘watch the clock’, per se. Just stay the course for as long as it takes and you’ll find yourself healed and free.

Thank you to all the beautiful souls I have encountered on this journey! You have touched me deeply and I wish you the greatest happiness.

It’s time now for me to go home. What is home? Home is OHM – so it’s always in the heart and soul of each of us, geography is not the measurement of it really. But, when we can couple our heart space with land and friends that bring us a sense of familiarity and support, there’s certainly nothing wrong with bolstering our lives with that if we’ve got it. And, fortunately I have.

We cannot end and begin simultaneously. We must end and then begin. So, a chapter is closed, is blessed, is over and in less than two weeks I will cross an ocean and leave Mother Africa and take all her great, valuable, cherished lessons and reconfiguring with me back OHM to a country with plenty of problems of its own…but all that notwithstanding it is where I belong.

You have to remove the rot inside your body

You have to remove the rot inside your body

Enlighteners are back in stock! Thanks everyone for your patience. If you were waitlisted you will be first in line! As I was reflecting on the work we do here and what the Enlightener is all about, this is what came through: “The Enlightener removes death from the body.” That is it. It’s that profound. At least 50% of that which you’ve ingested since infancy is still inside you. It’s rot, decay, death.

The reason people don’t get well when they attempt to take on a so-called healthy lifestyle is because they do everything except remove the internal waste.

It would be like decorating your home with all the bells and whistles yet never taking out the trash bins. Take out the trash and the rest is unnecessary or let’s say icing on the proverbial cake. By comparison, don’t take out the trash and see if you can even stand living there regardless of the decor.

You are your home. Your body, your mind, your heart, your soul & spirit, these are the things that need to be kept pure. When they are purified, you will find you need little else. When the world goes mad (as it is), you will feel strong, peaceful and a-ok in the midst of the madness. A clean internal life/system is your best protection. And you don’t need what the health world tells you you need.

Forget all the supplements and super foods. Just clean out the rot, decay & death. It’s so easy but because it’s not common practice it sounds extreme. It’s just water. Nothing could be more natural than washing.

Ever felt the energy after a purifying rain or storm? We were not meant to drag our feet through life carrying waste through our lives. We are here to feel the lightness! If you’re wondering why you’re not experiencing great health despite all you do, this is why. You won’t need all the cosmetic support and stimulants when you simply remove the rot inside.

You can order your Enlightener here.

How pathogens get out of control

How pathogens get out of control

I’ve just watched one very well known voice in the ‘health movement’ preaching that the reason everyone is sick is because of pathogens and how eggs feed pathogens & hence eggs are the enemy. Have you heard this one? Let’s just take a step back.
Pathogens get out of control for multiple reasons:
1. Accumulated waste from substances that enter and never leave (public enemy #1),
2. Heavy metals,
3. Radiation,
4. Mold/fungus exposure and
5. Chemical pollutants,
6. Environmental estrogens, and
7. Plastics, fibers and other synthetic materials.
The answer is to remove these from the body. If you remove them, you will remove the pathogens that go with them. If you don’t remove them, nothing will make you well – not super foods, not celery juice and not abstaining from eggs.
The removal of these things is your way back to health. The degree to which you remove these things (through the clear, fail-proof tissue cleansing method I teach in all my books and courses) determines the degree of excellent health you will achieve.
The answer has always been there. Cleanse and restore your system. Take the garbage out of your body for real. There is no other way. Think of how you would remove bugs from your home. Would you not remove that which attracts and sustains them? You would. I hope you would anyway.
A loving bit of truth for the day. Now how ‘bout that green juice and colonic duo? There’s a good plan! 😉