Alchemy, everyday
Oh the alchemical process: it’s everywhere. Sometimes we alchemize-up (syntropy) and sometimes we anti-alchemize (entropy). Here’s a great example of alchemy in dietetics: you eat the bitter herbs and you become sweet inside (happy organs, clean blood, naturally energized, good natured); BUT you eat the sweets and you become bitter inside (variously: unnerved, inflamed, exhausted).
If you’d like an example of spiritual alchemy: true peace gives rise to inspiration & real power; artificial stimulation results in depression and impotence.
Go ahead, test it out. It’ll prove itself every time. Truth always pans out. That’s why I love it. Truth proves itself unfailingly every which way you observe it.
Eat the bitter herbs today and sweeten your blood with the forces of life! Take time to find true peace today and find the gifts of creative energy bursting forth as a result. These are eternal truths and the Natural Laws.
In loving service,