by natalia | Aug 14, 2022 | Health & Wellness, Personal Development
There are two things in life that bring me pure bliss: creation and love.
This is one of many distinct areas where I feel that we can all agree across the board, as humans. I mean, really, who can argue with that?! Creation and love?!?!
Is there anything better? Name me one external event or material thing that is as fulfilling, that can fill us with exuberant joy more than when we are in the zone of creating as we were when we were children drawing or painting or delighting in our sport? Or than when love fills our hearts? We seem to dip out of ‘the world’ and into ‘life.’ That is a very important distinction.
That feeling where everything is in such alignment that you seem to leave the weight of worries and the world behind and just float on the clouds of what you are deeply involved with in pure enjoyment.
When was the last time you felt that way? It cannot happen when you force a creative pursuit – like if you’re trying to write a book or trying to come up with a business idea or trying to think of what to do with your life. It is those sacred magical moments when life imbues you with the spirit of a concept or vision that you know that you, and only you, can carry out.
This vision that life inspires in you needs/requires your signature energy and this signature calls you, pulls you toward it. I am in this state now – of creation. What I am creating is running always a step ahead of me, egging me to keep up because its crafting, building, developing, brick-laying. In this case it is the long-awaited Mastery course!
I’m so grateful for the creative expression of writing. I had a rather traumatic childhood (as have many of you) and I always found I could experience joy if I was writing a song or a poem or a story – as early as six years old I have a distinct recollection of this. In fact, if love was not present, I could depend on creation. When we have love, however, we need nothing else and yet everything comes flooding to us! To have and feel both love & creation is to be magnificently alive! How often does one of these two appear – let alone both?
The only way to have this confluence of goodness is to step away from the confluences of non-goodness. It is in our most courageous moments where we discard the lies of non-goodness (or to use another term, “life-destructiveness”) in the awareness of our election of that which is life-generating!
The ways of the world (the ‘whirled’) take us out of creation and love and into lives of pressure and dysfunctional relating – two things antithetical to our human nature and opposed to human nurturing.
By removing the blockages in and around our bodies, minds and hearts we open ‘the taps’ of creativity and resound with love.
So create & love. Remove the blockages wherever they may be. Discern whom you can trust and who needs very strict boundaries.
I am having the most wonderful time creating the new Mastery Course – to be announced soon. Love is rich too – family, friends and at the soul-mate level. I am beside myself – precious love abounds on all fronts. When you make way for life, you make way for love.

by natalia | Aug 10, 2022 | Health & Wellness, Personal Development
What is Physical Excellence? It’s far more than athletic prowess (tho that is certainly a natural benefit of it). It is waaaay more than superficial, cosmetic appeal (however, that too is another pleasant benefit thereof!).
Physical Excellence is the state of the body operating in perfect & exalted flow: cells, tissues, organs, systems all conducting the Infinite Intelligence, the Force from the Source, the substance of Primal Power.
Physical Excellence is the state in which sensations of enormous clarity run through the body in a visceral, undeniable connection with Divine power. You feel like you are soaring!
The idea of a single unpleasant symptom, let alone a disease is too remote a concept for such a person embodying Physical Excellence to ever expect in him/herself.
Everyone can live like that – in ultimate Physical Excellence. It is only the exception (it we see it at all) because the culture we were raised up in taught us to stuff ourselves up with garbage which would unwittingly remain inside of us causing us to rot so we would be weak.
Come, let’s reverse the error & radiate Physical Excellence instead! It’s closer at hand than you might think.

Natalia Rose
by natalia | Aug 10, 2022 | Health & Wellness, Personal Development
Consistency is key. If you train excellence in your life everyday, if you practice excellence consistently, you will come to embody excellence.
Let’s talk physical excellence:
Your body is brimming with the potential to embody physical excellence but most people throw all that potential away because, 1) they are not given true examples of physical excellence, and 2) they have poor, utterly misguided information.
Physical excellence is not achieved through calorie counting and burning calories in a gym or any manner of mere dietetics and/or physical training.
Physical excellence cannot be achieved if the body is saturated in waste matter. Period.
This fact is the biggest reason people do not achieve physical excellence. They are ignorant to this so they try to diet and exercise their way to physical improvements.
Degrees of physical excellence of which you cannot even conceive in the common levels of societal consciousness can be yours if you know exactly what to do.
That is the service I provide for those who are ready to shake off the physical shackles, dissolve their addictions and bring their bodies to vibrant, resplendent light.
It is entirely accessible. It is freedom and power untold! Come to know it. Lose the ailments; gain your awaiting strength and resplendence!

by natalia | Aug 4, 2022 | Health & Wellness, Personal Development
Whenever you need to sink your teeth into something hearty and meaty, just bake these babies whole for several hours at 290 degrees Fahrenheit.
Chefs become incredulous at the mere suggestion of such a culinary aberration. But, believe me, this is the move. Their delicate skins become soft and the ‘meat’ matures to be so sweet.
Pair with an arugula or tender baby romaine salad and you’ve got yourself a dinner winner! Aren’t ya glad I didn’t say lamb chop!?
Ya know how I like my lamb? That’s right, frolicking freely in the meadow.
Save a lamb – have a leg of beet. Oy, that sounds rather barbaric too. Maybe we should be wholly breatharian after all?

by natalia | Aug 2, 2022 | Health & Wellness, Personal Development
The happy life is always going to be the simple life — the life attained when all the non-essential, inauthentic, artificiality is dropped, released, falls away.
I have ‘had it all’ by any measure: personal success, the finest material luxuries, a glamorous lifestyle and all the countless things most people dream of and yet, I can say, without the slightest reservation or hesitation that my revised life today, which I’ve pared down to 1. pure love for those in it and 2. choosing to consume and possess as little as possible on every level has given me the most exquisite life experience so far.
‘Simple’ brings peace and in peace you can hear & feel the Divine and embody the power of the Divine that longs to flow through you.
That is heaven. Add loving relationships to that and it’s 7th heaven & beyond.