Becoming Your Own Surgeon
Benefits of Cleansing Your Cells
When you cleanse your cells and tissues, you become your own surgeon. The removal of the interloping blockages triggers a great re-knitting of the tissues to occur — something science only dreams of as it attempts to mimic such life-generating phenomena. At the very least, science has to go to great lengths to achieve something with entropic tissue that Life achieves with healthy tissue as naturally as breathing. (At worst, science has to apply immoral tactics to do so). So why not just remediate the tissue so Life can work its natural magic? (Ah, because that would entail discipline and lifestyle change).
Life is, by definition, regenerative. Only death/entropy requires questionable, convoluted, complicated apparatus. Again, for what? To mimic what Life does effortlessly on its own under the right conditions! Radiance, strength, purity, clarity, creativity, effortlessness. These are the fruits of your inner surgeon’s discipline & focus. It can take many days and hours in the operating theater. But there is great work being done — divine suturing, transcendent transplants, ineffable transfusions & cosmetic miracles.
Tip: It’s time, once and for all, to get over what the ‘beast’ in you wants to consume. Get over your lower impulses. They will just take you lower and lower. Find a way to love your greens. They are your “soap.”
Overcome Cravings and Impulses
Get over this idea that you are entitled to be satisfied all the time. Instead, try on the power of a bit of sacrifice. It’s healthy and wholesome to rise above knee-jerk desires. Don’t trust all those cravings that you are otherwise encouraged by the carnal, lost-world, to indulge in. They are illusions of satisfaction. Real pleasure and satisfaction will come to you as undeniably as the morning light.
Small but deliberate steps. Every day, a little more. You can be a great surgeon and regenerate your body. But there are no short cuts in the operating theater…no cutting at all in fact, just the release of the impediments to conductivity and then, natural reconnection. Remember that what it actually means to “deny oneself” is to discard the truth of what you are. That is a far cry from the common understanding of the term which is to fail to give yourself the indulgences you desire. In effect when you indulge your lower impulses per the latter directive, you are in fact, actually discarding the truth of what you are.
Be the Flame
You can become the light/the primal fire/the eternal flame or you can get burned by it. The eternal flame will go on either way, incinerating all that is not itself. True to itself, the eternal fire of light will always unapologetically and uncompromisingly flame on.
In loving service,
You’ll have these a-ha moments constantly…
We’re removing all of that misguided thinking and dysfunctional feeling as we release this waste through enemas. There is so much good in doing deep tissue cleansing that you cannot possibly capture it all in one sitting. When it all comes together you will have these epiphanies and a-ha moments constantly.
The good news is that Enlighteners are back IN -STOCK! They are in New York and ready to ship to you anywhere in the world! Thank you for your patience!
Once you place your order it will ship once you have had your Enlightener Consultation, and I, Natalia Rose, will personally be on-call to help you with any questions you may have getting going with it!
Happy expunging all your old waste and living a beautiful new life in a clean-celled, radiantly healthy & beautiful new body! It’s the greatest health and beauty secret there is!

Crowning Glory
Female Pattern Baldness
It used to be that only men faced the strong likelihood of baldness as they aged. But today, one of the biggest concerns among women is losing their hair. Female pattern baldness is practically a household term now. Give it a generation or two and, like practically everything else, female pattern baldness will be relegated to some kind of unfortunate genetic lottery just like male pattern baldness, rather than by its original cause: the systematic ravaging of the bloodstream with toxins. Make no mistake, this rapidly growing symptom is a clear indication of how toxic womankind has become.
Early Indications of Toxicity in Women
One of the earliest indications of toxicity in women presents in the form of bladder issues. The bladder-kidney meridian is extremely sensitive to acidity and will let you know the moment your pH starts to dip (the beginning of all problems to come). To be clear, this means that those bladder infections are telling you that you’re now on the highway to rapidly de-spiraling health.
The next major indication for women comes with their cycles. ‘Aunt Flo’ should have a brief, non-eventful visit – arriving without fanfare, causing minimal inconvenience and leaving you feeling refreshed. If that is not the case, you have accumulated too much waste and toxicity and it’s time to glean ‘Aunt Flo’s’ keen insights before more unpleasant symptoms present.
By the time a woman has suppressed these symptoms for a couple of decades, her glands can no longer be expected to function normally. Hormones cannot be expected to secrete as designed. In addition, the accumulation in the intestine (which has now permeated deep into the body through the porous tissues and interconnecting channels) is housing all manner of entropic material, including heavy metals, machine oils and radiation, which are rapidly reproducing pathogens and decaying the entire system.
Meanwhile, the outward quest for beauty continues while the inner being is ravaged (and the damaging lifestyle is continued). Symptoms worsen, suppression increases, appearance suffers, application of toxic cosmetic products and procedures increase. The puff increases, the pathogens proliferate, the toxicity deepens, the decay accelerates. That is the inglorious cycle.
Awaken and Release the Cause of this Toxicity
But, of course, it doesn’t have to be that way. In order for a life-generating cycle to ensue instead, the original cause must be nipped from the very start: the saturation of acidic, toxic accumulation must be addressed. That is where the healing must be directed. Any other starting point will fail. The waste must be removed. And then: the decay will slow, the toxicity will depart, the pathogens will die off, the puff will decrease and the procedures and products will become not only unnecessary but perceived to be the major contributing cause of decay and disease that they are.
Hair and nails are like the leaves on a tree. If you have a healthy tree with a robust, well-nourished root system and loads of life force conducting in an unobstructed rush up through the branches, you will see lush leaves, fruits and flowers blossoming forth. But, if the opposite is true and the roots are weak and hardly any life force rises through the branches, you will find lackluster leaves with high entropy fruits and flowers (if any) gasping from a dying tree.
Female pattern baldness is only in its early stages in our culture. I predict that it will among the very fastest growing symptoms for women in the near term. The answer is not going to be a toxic re-growth pill, chemical creams or playing more hormone roulette. Those approaches will result in even more unbearable symptoms like even greater infertility and auto-immune diseases the likes of which we have not yet ‘er seen (nor ever want to see!).
The solution has always been there. Awaken & release the waste from your cells, tissues and organs and you will the process reveals you very own abundance of lush leaves, fruits and flowers. Your hair is your crown — don’t let a misguided lifestyle steal your crown from you, Princess!
– in loving service,

What is Deep-Tissue Cleansing?
After one of my friends posted asking me to share what “deep-tissue cleansing” is, I realized that outside my circle of students and readers, the term might actually need some explanation. Since it is something I’ve been inexorably connected with for the better part of two decades and because all of my health and inspirational quotes are emanations of a life of deep-tissue cleansing, I just kind of assumed that my buddies know what it is. But as that is clearly not the case, let me enthusiastically share the magical core concept of my life’s work with you. “Deep tissue cleansing” or “deep-cell cleansing” as I also often refer to it means: the removal of all the rubbish that has been stored in the cells, tissues and organs of the body accumulating and breeding pathogens and noxious gases.
People often mistake my work for an interest in health foods. That’s not the case. Food is the subject I’m least interested in – it’s just that you can’t tissue cleanse without the right food strategy. In fact, my own mother even thinks I’m interested in the topic of food and consistently sends me articles about food research (as so many people do). Food couldn’t interest me less. Research studies about food couldn’t interest me less. Deep cell and tissue cleansing is something altogether different to diet talk! Deep tissue cleansing is the event that regenerates the body, redeems it to its powerful design, makes all research inapplicable to you, makes the sun your friend and eradicates the external needs and addictions. It makes you sort of a different kind of person physiologically (and also, spiritually, emotionally and mentally – not to say superior at all, just wired differently because the internal rubbish is gone so your biochemistry is in fact, different).
All of my books and the Natalia Rose Institute revolve around the concept of deep-cell and tissue cleansing. In them I teach how to efficaciously bring about this event in your body, how all aspects of your being respond to this physical event, how to then cleanse your emotional and mental aspects with the same logic.
The mechanics of deep tissue cleansing are simple, enlightening (literally and figuratively) and entirely innovative! Herewith, in short: Anything that is not an organically grown, water-containing plant substance is not designed for your body and therefore cannot be fully metabolised and eliminated by the body (this is how we know it is not designed for it, if you were wondering). Such things are acidic to varying degrees and therefore positively ionically charged. Positively ionically charged substances will magnetically adhere to your healthy internal tissue which is negatively ionically-charged (suffocating it). The substances then stick and cook into your cells/tissues (at 87.6 degrees Fahrenheit). The lack of water in the substance ingested means that it also causes the cells and tissues that it is congesting to dry up (using the stores of water in the body that cannot be replaced by drinking water so long as the waste remains in the tissue) making that tissue lose it’s kinetic energy (basically rendering it energetically dormant – which is why most people suffer from a kind of large scale fatigue). This accumulation is massive over years of eating non-water containing foods day in and day out but will begin to be experienced early in life on the modern diet. To add hectic insult to injury, the accumulation doesn’t just sit there innocuously – it rots. It decomposes and in the rot develops all manner of pathogens. These pathogens make babies and the families of pathogens eat – so they also release excrement. Ick, I know! And most people don’t know this is the reason for ageing and degeneration. They just think it’s par for the course of life. Nothing could be further from the truth!
The ‘good news of tissue cleansing’ is that we can remove all the accumulation and the pathogens by hydrating and magnetizing the waste up and out of the cells and tissues bringing back the space and kinetic energy in the body. This should lend a great deal of light now to all my posts for those of you who were not aware that tissue cleansing (not food and diet per se) is what my work is all about. This is why green juice, colonics and making green-centric foods delicious is spotlighted — as a means for deep cell & tissue cleansing.
If you’re interested to know more, I’ve written NINE books on the subject and there are enough writings, audios, videos, courses and cleanses through the Natalia Rose Institute to keep you informed, inspired and motivated for life. So that’s “deep-tissue cleansing” in brief. It’s amazing and it changes the whole equation for all of us!!!
How should we pour life-juice into decaying tissues?
How should we pour life-juice into decaying tissues? Very carefully! And, what wine and green juice have in common…
Whether you have a religious affiliation or not, it bears appreciating that the ancient theological texts (from all spiritual traditions) are filled with clues to the crucial Natural & Universal Laws that govern your life. As I hope you are realizing, being knowledgeable and in-sync with these laws determines whether you thrive or not.
When an individual whom I know has a biblical background complains to me about an uncomfortable reaction upon drinking green juice, I’ll immediately direct them to the biblical admonition in Luke 5:37-38 that reads: “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins, spilling the wine and ruining the skins…new wine must be poured into new wineskins.” The connection is this: your digestive tract is like the old wineskins. It is rancid and filled with the residue of antiquated fermentation and unfavorable microbes. The green juice is the ‘new wine,’ the life-generating microbes. The unfavorable microbes (a.k.a. pathogens) will recoil and flare up when met with these ‘new wine’ microbial ‘beings’ (for they are like little beings) in the same way that we see the ‘devilish energy’ flare up and sizzle when met with the holy water in the movie, The Exorcist. Now, please also note that the complaint is a-cause of the individual having chosen to ingest a far too concentrated alkaline formulation for their unique cleansing transition level. It is not a fault of the green juice (the ‘new wine’) per se but of this density of alkalinity meeting with this quality of tissues and quantity of matter and gas pressure (the ‘old wineskins’).
This is why it’s critical to start with the more diluted formulations like cucumber and romaine lettuce (with lemon/ginger/stevia optional), rather than go full tilt juicing kale, dandelion, chard and parsley (the darker the greens the more medicinal; the more medicinal, the more life-force potency (centripetally spinning activated electrons), which must be tempered if there are blockages and a high degree of pathogens in the body/wineskins)!
As the old microbes depart (through natural bowel elimination, colonics, enemas and deep sweating), a greater percentage of darker greens can be introduced with excellent results. Remember we cannot break Natural & Universal Law, we can only break ourselves against them. Putting new wine in old wineskins (both literally per the biblical narrative and figuratively in this green juice scenario) are prime examples of breaking oneself against ‘the law.’
There are countless parables that serve to reinforce the laws and their applications in light of our cleansing endeavors. In my dream world, I’ll get to more of them in short order. They offer up new understanding to the parables themselves and shed much light on why the cleansing experiences present as they do.