Centripetal Vortex
Centripetal Vortex
Do you want to know something exquisitely optimistic? The centripetal vortex structure (that life-generating force-field that is intrinsic to all life — visible and invisible) sweeps all that we would call “death” back up into its regenerating field where that broken, de-spiraled energy (death) is transfigured by the unspeakably vast, powerful centripetal spin of Source and made new and alive again.
The One Life
Everything that exists is part of the ONE life, held in its unfathomably vast embrace. All those centrifugal expressions, once they putter out having leaked all their life-force, having become over-run by decay-cycle pathogenic mobs of any and all sizes, get swept right back into the benevolent vacuum of life-generating spin, (without judgment, without needing a ticket to ride). That is what heaven is.
In fact, anytime this sweeping up of death into the unspeakably vast, all-embracing force-field of unerring spin occurs, whether on a macro or microcosmic level, heaven can be found. If you find your life there, you will reside in a special kind of heaven always and be a heaven for anyone and anything that passes through you. And if you don’t find your life there, and you fall to centrifugal ruin, rest assured, you will be swept up and made new because you cannot escape the love that is holding you within, whether you feel it or not.
In loving service,