You can think of your ‘Higher Self’ as that part of yourself that is still within the God-Mind, still in the True Light.
In this context, you can see how and why your Higher Self knows best what you need rather than the personal Self that you identify within Matrix-consciousness.
If you are on a big journey in life that feels rocky and not where you wanted or expected to go, it’s probably because that which knows far more and sees far more clearly, (“as if face-to-face” with the Creator), has plans that most likely include getting you out of the Matrix.
But cognitive dissonance and lack of practice computing true things (because we’re so well-practiced computing false things) keeps interfering and opposing the truth that our Higher Self wants us to see.
This opposition to the journey that our Higher Self wants to take us on causes us to keep banging our heads against the same walls!
Where is your ‘Higher Self’ trying to take you and help you see?
It’s a simple message today: if you are afraid to speak out about things you feel are critically important because you feel scared to do so you are suppressed and that suppression will negatively impact your Spirit and Soul, not to mention your physical, mental and emotional health.
Please do not let anyone intimidate you from expressing something you truly believe in. The good people of the world will not shut you down, even if they disagree with you. Good people are not bullies. We can share different perspectives and not feel the need to control one another, shame one another, demean or discredit one another.
Furthermore, taking a position on matters of life and death, freedom and enslavement, the sacred and the desecrating does not equate to being divisive, despite what cyber-bullies would have you believe as they attempt to shut you down. Standing up and fighting for those who cannot protect themselves or for inalienable rights is the essence of courage and nobility. Evil lives to muddle up and confuse the most fundamental truths like this one.
While you’re finding your strength and your voice, please remember that when people attack you for the various ‘privileges’ they presume you to have or hurl other terms at you, that they know nothing about you and so these callous jabs say everything about them and nothing about you.
Rediscover Your Authenticity
Look, we need to help each other out of the dark Matrix and a huge part of setting ourselves free is rediscovering our authentic, individual voice and learning to use it honorably: it is your s/word of truth. You’ll either use it to break free or you’ll be on the receiving end of a s/words-person co-opting your power. Silence has its noble moments, indeed, but chosen as an alternative to fear or intimidation is not one of them. In such a case, silence becomes poison in the form of suppression. Suppression of flow is the beginning of the death cycle.
I’ve had too many people tell me how afraid they are of speaking out about what they believe and care about because of how they will be ridiculed and condemned by their friends, family, social media circle, etc.
Yes, you most likely will be ridiculed and insulted. This sort of thing has become a regular part of my life. Thankfully, I know the territory well – I’ve been misunderstood and disagreed with in impolite, unkind, unloving ways since childhood. If I had capitulated to the bullies that littered my path over the decades, I probably would not be alive today.
Their broken spirits aim to break you down. They do not offer healthy debate, they project and assume their own context, ignoring yours. These are dysfunctional people with dysfunctional ways of communicating. Please do not let such people intimidate or suppress you.
In the flow of your voice, you wield your power, your pure essence.
Having Heart
Coeur is French for heart. Coeur-age or “courage” is the state of having heart. Your voice, if it’s authentic, rises from your deepest knowing, is subsequently distilled by the purity and truth of your heart and then comes up and out through your throat/voice. Sometimes it is expressed through the hands as in writing/typing where it still first must pass through the heart.
I wish you all courage with your voices, no matter what authentic truth you need to express. Don’t let the cyber-bullies or any other false codes programmed into you or social conditioning suppress such critical life force.
Your reward for withstanding a bit of ridicule from people who are either so programmed by the Matrix and/or addicted to twisting things up to maintain their steady intake of negative energy will be your Soul growth, the only currency worth anything within this earth realm.
Feel free to use the below prayer, my Friends. We can be freed of the matrix. It’s voluntary. We were always able, like Dorothy, to go ‘home,’ but the understanding of what kept us from ‘home’ is now becoming unbelievably clear – at least for me – and I want to share it with everyone so we can all live free – released from the ensnaring matrix-grip.
The Release Prayer
“Pure Power of Light, wash my mind so that it sings without interference. Remove the artificial matrix overlaying my true design, my powerful God-mind.
Elevate that artificial web so that it comes up, off and out of me, that trap around my essence, my body and my entire field, so it no longer oppresses me. It has prevented my life from being true. It was a moving, walking embedded cage. A man-trap, a woman-trap, a child-trap, a baby-trap. For as soon as we entered this realm/dimension, this matrix web was cast upon us, pinning us down, locking us in.
And so we were made to grow with it, to merge with it. It was artificially embedded in our authentic truth, corroding, rotting as artificial things do, decaying and causing the body, energy & mind to decay with it.
And with this artificial web fastened into the flesh and mind, both became subject to its strangulation. Forced to grow together with this metal-mesh insinuated into every cell, the bloodstream, the organs, bones and brain.
Pure Power of Light, please gently but thoroughly remove this matrix-metal-cage from every iota of my being. May I regenerate naturally and swiftly as a result of it having been removed from me.
No more shall programs and codes that ran through this false current system light up my neural network. No more shall I be subject to the reactions and fears of that evil artifice which was imposed upon me without my consent.
Thank you. I can see it leaving. I can feel the gentle way you are lifting and removing it from me, like scales from the eyes of my mind. There is no more fear. There is only connection now with the One Life & I can sense the life of magic that has been awaiting me.
I am back. I am restored to my unimpeded magical truth. Life begins here. Thank you. A million times, thank you!”
I spoke with the lovely Nishanthi Dayawathie right here in sunny Cape Town about Detoxing from the Matrix. Click on the image below and you can see the entire interview!
There’s a reason I don’t just talk about clean diet and give beauty & health tips. There’s a reason I harp on about the Matrix. The former would only enable you to be more comfortable in the world of the Matrix. It won’t get you out of the Matrix. And believe me, you definitely want out. You want out even if you don’t grasp it yet.
The reason I take these leaps to explain the Matrix-construct with you is because I want you to be truly free.
Natural Law of Mentalism
Without comprehending the Natural Law of Mentalism and how you’ve grown up in that sticky mind-web and actually con-formed with it, (grew into its shape), you will never know what you truly are any more than that dragonfly can know itself when trapped in the spider web. Hence the Delphic maxim: “First, know thyself.” This aphorism means nothing if you do not know what keeps you from knowing your true nature in the first place.
The Divine Mind
I know that to many of you it may sound like I’ve lost my mind. Yet, what happens when you ‘drop’ the Matrix-mind is you regain the light of mind intended for you – the Divine Mind.
I believe this is what Christ meant by needing to lose one’s life in order to gain it. We have to lose the false in order to regain the real. But it takes shining a great deal of light on the false to see that it is false when the false is instilled and installed in us as the real. The cognitive dissonance can be agonizing as one breaks free. In this way, perhaps think of it as birth pains. The pain, the struggle of restoring one’s mind has a great purpose if it is seen through. But, many who attempt it get sucked back in again.
I am also reminded of the passages in the Gospel where Jesus told his disciples, “I will make you fishers of men.” I believe he may have been referring to ‘fishing’ wo/men out of the Matrix construct, restoring them to their connection to Christ consciousness: the way, the truth and the light.
Some of you are utterly primed for dissolving the Matrix construct, despite the work it requires to bypass the natural cognitive dissonance and restore your natural state consciousness. Some of you cannot presently think beyond the Matrix consciousness. That’s okay. I do believe we will all successfully exit. I think the ones who are actively doing so will make the way clear for the rest. We will lift up and out as a human-unit. No one will be left behind.
Just remember, LIFE from the Creator is perfect and beautiful. It’s the Matrix that is filthy, as I explained in the last installment.
There is *Nature/Earth/Life and there is *the World. They are not the same thing. Let’s never confuse the two. Life is not the world. The world is the Matrix. The ‘Matrix-world’ is the ‘False Mother,’ or “Mother Culture,” as Daniel Quinn explains it in his classic book “Ishmael.” If you haven’t read it, definitely start there. Up & out!
“How do we cleanse our minds/bodies/emotions from the Matrix construct?” This is the burning question for this installment.
To understand the Matrix and how to cleanse oneself of It, one first must understand that the Matrix is filth – literal filth. This is not my subjective opinion. This is a literal, objective fact based on Natural Law.
Filth is a factor of the decay cycle which begins with stagnation, progresses into calcification and ultimately descends into putrefaction where decay is bred and proliferates.
Divine Flow
Stay with me now: what is the opposite of stagnation? FLOW! The God-head/Source/Creator must flow through Its creation. But what if something happens and it cannot flow? Say there is a disconnect — a FALL FROM GRACE?! What would happen then?
Well, with no flow from Godhead/Creator to Its creation. the creation would stagnate and begin the decay cycle and NEED a source of ‘food’ or ‘fuel.’
You see, humanity is trapped within a Mind-field from the mind of an Entity that is IN the Decay Cycle because it ‘fell’ from connection with its Source. From this state of decay, this Mental field that emanates from It carries the signature pattern of calcification & decay.
This is the web that we become ensnared in and entrained to. It catches us and attunes us to Itself (it’s the law of resonant frequency). You’d have to be extremely attuned to the Creator Source to stand a chance of negating it.
Exiting the Matrix
So here’s where the plot gets thick and you are offered your keys out of the Matrix: everything in the Matrix is designed to cut you off from the Divine Creator/Grace/Source too. Everything that cuts you off from the “Source of the Force” (as I sometimes like to call the Divine Creator), takes your power. Your power is the quantum of ‘Force from the Source.’
Here’s the Master Matrix Exit Key: You can determine what you need to be cleansed of by identifying all those things that cut you off from your ability to receive the current of Divine flow from Source. That is true “currency.” Money and material exchanges are false light currency. But I digress!
The quickest way to understand what programs, beliefs, activities, aims, etc. need to be released in order to be cleansed at-large and cleansed specifically of the Matrix is to realize that anything and everything that is marked by stagnation or calcification needs to fall away from your thinking, your actions and your feelings.
What are these things? Everything you’ve been programmed to believe! As you go through this list (and eventually commit it to memory) think about how each one arrests flow and causes stagnation, calcification and decay within you, cutting you off from your connection to your Divine Creator.
I’m sharing all of this freely because it must be public domain. But it does no one any good just to intellectualize it. The chains of this false light must be dislodged by you so they eventually crumble and fall away (a chunk or so of chains falling away every day is good). You must do the work. It’s hard work! The adjustments to your being will be made while you sleep so get lots of sleep as you do this noble work!
Ready? Here we go. Pick it up, look at it as the filth it is –how it cuts you off from Source flow (flow=grow=glow) and causes stagnation, calcification and decay in you instead:
False-light-Feelings are a major category of false light code programming that must be cleansed. These feelings/reactions are pure filth (cause stagnation/decay):
fear (the root cause of all the below)
self pity
self-indulgence (laziness/lack of discipline/sloth)
(note the deadly sins listed here – they are deadly because they are literally the death/decay harbingers). The virtues that restore them should be studied equally (chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness and humility).
Values and Industries: Culture trains the above emotions into us through television and social mores but it also trains into us values from its various industries which are all sordid with the decay cycle. These inverted/perverted false-light industries are as follows:
Health care
There is nothing innocuous about any of these industries or their values. They each prey on our truth and cut us off from Divine Source. They each pervert a holy truth with a false light code. Think about it.
Now, for the most primal one:
The Love Delusion: Discover how the Matrix has inverted our thinking around sexuality and love and in so doing destroyed family, divine sexual union and created imitations of love. It is heart breaking but everything we know about love, sexuality and family is inverted/perverted. Because of this we are brought into the world under sub-human conditions and subjected to unthinkable pain as children, despite how well-meaning our parents may have been. Under Matrix programming they simply passed the lies onto us. The perversions of love and sexuality, which have ruined the family, is the core way the Matrix keeps us locked in.
We cannot be free if we are under illusions of love and sexuality, if we are misappropriating them ourselves. We seal our doom through misguided sexuality and Matrix directed relationships which are based on objectification and exploitation.
Indeed, the world is awaiting a great sexual awakening but it is not the kind of sexual awakening people think of when they hear that term. The sexual revolution was just another descent into the grip of the Matrix. The Great Sexual Awakening is one that will grip each person with the reality of the effects of exploitation and objectification and sensory gratification. It will clarify the meaning of sacred union and require long periods of abstinence for healing and resetting.
So what has to happen is the tracking of what I have listed above. You have to reflect on every item I mentioned and see what cuts off your connection with Source and makes you think and express instead like the Entity emitting the Matrix-web that has caught you in It grip, choked of your power-Source.
The only way to cleanse this is to first understand that it is filth and why it is filth (literally) and that collusion with it will seal your doom to be like It and meet the same fate It will soon meet — death.
If you want out, you cannot merely intellectualize it and grasp it academically. You must stop colluding with the feelings, values, industries and misguided/inverted/perverted directives around love and sexuality. You must catch yourself mid-feeling, mid thought, mid action and stop it. Otherwise you will be sealed off from the Godhead/Divine Creator’s Flow.
Until you are out, you are a sitting duck, a fish out of water.