Encore Weekend: Freedom Kitchen Summit

Encore Weekend: Freedom Kitchen Summit

FREE Freedom Kitchen event this Encore Weekend


Hi everyone!


I’ve got some great news! People have been asking how to get access my interviews over at The Freedom Kitchen Summit that premiered last week.


In fact, the Summit received such a positive response … that we’re bringing it back for one more weekend!


From this Friday, 5:00pm EST, we’re giving you another chance to watch the entire summit for free.


Click here to watch all of the interviews of The Freedom Kitchen Summit now.


This is your second chance to binge on all of the top talks and tips on how we can all live better and do better.


And if you didn’t catch it the first time round … here’s a taster of the topics:


  • The keys to keeping it clean in a world full of toxins
  • How our community can create a culture of conscious consumerism
  • New, healing ways to nourish your body, mind, and soul


Click here to register for the free encore.


And here comes the cherry on the cake…


If you want to upgrade and grab a Freedom Kitchen Access Pass (to own all the talks and videos + other bonuses) you can use this discount code: TFK2021! to save 15%!


The access pass bonuses can unlock some serious value for you – click here to see the access pass bonuses.


Enjoy the interviews!




The Truth about Fruit

The Truth about Fruit

The Truth about Fruit


Many people love the inclusion of fruit in their diet. That is totally cool. If fruit is working for you – as it does for many people depending on age, gender, length of time cleansing, etc. – then carry on with it. I was a huge fan of fruit in my first decade of cleansing. Remember that I am just a guide. You must do what works for you (and to determine just what that is takes a great deal of experimentation and discretion on your part).


Let me take a quick second to spotlight why I avoid fruit personally and guide the vast majority of my clients away from fruit. But please note, as you read this that this is in no way to debate whether fruit works for you. It is simply what I have come to based on my personal and professional journey. Fruit lovers, please carry on so long as fruit loves you back. The following is specifically for those for whom fruit may be undermining their health goals or who may find that while fruit works presently, it may not be ideal at a future juncture. With all that contextualized, here’s my beef with fruit:


  1. Fruit that we obtain in supermarkets today is not the wild fruit that was growing hundreds of years ago (or even the relatively benign variety of 30 or more years ago). Today’s fruit is highly inclined toward mold, degenerated to an almost indistinguishable degree from its original state, extensively hybridized to be more or less merely sugar and water in a colorful container.


  1. Today’s fruit is largely seedless and therefore without the life force it was designed to conduct. Fresh, raw fruit as it grew wildly before the advent of the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago was without a doubt the perfect food for humans. That does not mean that the grocery store fruits circa 2021 are remotely equal.


  1. The human bio-terrain, like the post-agricultural revolution terrain, is primed for mold and parasites which feed off and proliferate when mixed with any form of sugar. This makes all sugars, even raw fruit sugars problematic for the vast majority of modern people.


  1. Modern humans are highly estrogenic due to both excessive exposure to environmental estrogens as well as personal hormone secretion running amok. Estrogen breeds yeasts like candida which cause too many problems to mention here — but they all feed on sugars. Estrogen dominance used to be a mainly female issue but today it is gaining on men as well.


  1. In a world where nearly ½ of the western population is expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime (which means just as many if not more are walking around with a precancerous proclivity toward fungus in the body), fruit sadly is a great danger as it feeds fungus.


All in, if you’re including fruit to a degree that seems to be suiting you, I say be cautiously optimistic. If you are living in a highly alkaline environment and you know you are not estrogen dominant, you know you are not hosting parasites or home to heavy metals (say you’ve chelated them and you eat an otherwise clean diet with no processed foods, low starch, etc. and hang your hat far from cities and cell phone towers), and (here’s the biggie now…you ready) you’re totally asymptomatic (meaning you don’t get any symptoms – no headaches, no tooth sensitivities, no joint pain, you sleep soundly, etc.), then okay, include the fruits you love and try to not just get organic fruit but procure wild fruits. If you’re symptomatic, no fruit and no sugars other than pure raw, fresh green leaf-ground stevia (not processed stevias). Sorry, but that’s the tough love hard truth.


These are modern conditions we’re contending with. We are modern people; we are doing the clean-up work for many generations on ourselves and our communities. And just promise yourselves this: be flexible enough to change when something stops working for you – and be in tune with yourselves enough to know the moment that happens.


Now, if you are a female, living in acidic conditions (cities/suburbs, with stress, typical Western dietetic history, have taken the pill, been vaccinated, had many a series of antibiotics in your lifetime, take pharmaceuticals, get migraines, experience heavy, difficult menses, are moody or over 35 and trying to lose weight, definitely consider nixing fruit completely.


In loving service,




2 Days Left for Freedom Kitchen- Hear Me Speak Today!

2 Days Left for Freedom Kitchen- Hear Me Speak Today!

I’m so excited to have been featured in the Freedom Kitchen Summit! Hear me speak live today!


This Summit is something that really hits home with all the work I’ve been doing and I hope you are all able to make time to be a part of this incredible knowledge-sharing event. There are still two days left of the Summit!


There’s NO COST to register for this virtual event that features an amazing array of health experts from across the industry.


The FREE REGISTRATION will gain you access to view the Summit LIVE online from August 25-29.


Upon registration, you will be given the option to purchase access passes to the Summit for the video recordings of the speakers, special gifts and extra courses!


Register now, and join us all in the organic food revolution!


In loving service,





The Carrot Trick

The Carrot Trick

Sweet, Delicious and Hydrating: Organic Carrots


Keep bags of organic carrots in the fridge for pre-dinner munchies.

Not only are they sweet and delicious but there are also very hydrating after a long day. You can eat an entire 2 pound bag of carrots for your unwinding, reading the mail, or putting your kids to bed.

This would take the edge off your appetite, nurse your body with organic minerals and enzymes, and give your children a good example of a smart snack.


In loving service,



Hear my Keynote Address Today at the Freedom Kitchen Summit!

Hear my Keynote Address Today at the Freedom Kitchen Summit!

The Freedom Kitchen Summit: Are you in?


Hi everyone!


I just wanted to remind you about your invitation to join us today at The Freedom Kitchen Summit!


Click here to sign up


This summit is going to be seriously useful if you’re looking to:


  • Learn how to detox your kitchen and your life
  • Find ways to nourish your body, your mind, and your future
  • Connect with a community that cares about clean and conscious living.


This event is a mastermind of experts coming together with solutions to take back our freedom, throw away the toxins, and help our families thrive. 


Because when we know better, we do better.


And we really need to do better! So if you want to make a change… I really recommend you sign up for this. Because this free event is jam-packed with simple steps that we can ALL take today… for a healthier tomorrow.


Free registration here


And if you’re still undecided, look at it this way: you sign up for free. Plus, upon registration you get access to lots of great free gifts. 🙂 And, you don’t lose anything by checking it out.


In loving service,




PS: I’m keynote speaker at this great event and I know you will love this! Sign up and watch for free right here.


Extreme Green Lemonade

Extreme Green Lemonade



(makes 1-2 servings)




1 head romaine lettuce

1 head celery

1 cucumber

5 to 6 stalks kale (any type)

1-2 whole organic lemons (you don’t have to peel it)

1 to 2 tablespoons fresh ginger (optional)



Process the vegetables through the juicer by admitting one vegetable at a time through the mouth of the juicer.


FROM:  Extremely Green Detox Course