Entropy and Dietetics: Making BIG Connections!


Now that we’ve established that centripetal force/spin is syntropic (a.k.a. life-generating) and centrifugal force/spin is entropic (a.k.a. life-deteriorating), we can go to the next step and apply this knowledge to our dietetics! You all are always asking me about the dietetic details so here you go! Here’s what we’re going to do in this installment:


Step #1: Define and identify high-entropy foods/substances vs. low-entropy foods substances (see detailed explanation below).


Step #2: Reflect on dietetic intake (and historic intake — because that residue is still within you until you’ve done a significant amount of tissue cleansing) and therefore it is still your state of ‘internal affairs.’ (In other words, it’s your responsibility to look at it squarely in the eye and rectify it).


Step #3: Understand one of the most important facts of entropy and why it causes such a rapid de-spiraling process. Get ready for it…it is unpleasant and you may cringe as you read the word, I warn you but it is true: the entropic event is ROT. You do not need to have rotting substances in your body but until you can look at it for what it is and remediate it, that’s the issue. Decay, disease, illness, symptoms are all just indications of rot/degrees of rot (caused, as you now know, by blockages and “cut threads.”).


Step #4: Remove the rot by adopting a low-entropy diet, saturating the rot in greens and removing the accumulation from the tissue.


Okay, Step #1: I define and identify high-entropy foods and substances as: “Those foods/substances which incline our physicality and fields most readily toward entropic unraveling/rot.” Now, I realize that food technologists typically define high-entropy foods as the very opposite of my definition because their interest is in shelf-life, not tissue life. So, Setting the record straight: Substances that are designed for longest shelf life ARE ACTUALLY THE MOST INCLINED TO CAUSE ROT INSIDE OUR BODIES, THEREFORE THESE ARE THE MOST HIGH-ENTROPY SUBSTANCES IN THE LARGER SCHEME OF THINGS.


Tomorrow, Part 2 of Entropy and Dietetics!


in loving service,

