There is only one thing that life asks absolutely of you — to express your authentic nature, fully — not to embody some cockamamie ideology you’ve been told to put on like a uniform.
Consider today shedding anything that rings of doing what you’re “supposed” to do because that’s what’s expected of you. By whom? Who said so? Who dictates to you what you should or should not be or do if you are following a path of honor? And, I can assure you that if you are following a path of honor and truth, your authentic expression will always trump the alternative by a million miles!
Anything that infringes upon your ability to be yourself is a nail in your coffin, decay in your being, certain death. Calcification comes from that crunched up place. That place of doing what you’re told and toeing the line.
True Human Life Experience
Only by removing the death imprint and all the repression and suppression from ourselves will we know what the true human life experience should feel like, look like and how far it should extend (in perfect bliss).
So where are you permitting suppression/repression? Where are you stifled? How is your conductivity today? How centripetal are you? Is it an entropic day or a syntropic day? It’s all in your power to re-direct anti-energetic spin to life-generating spin, to heal, to embody the life force!
Overcoming is not easy but the alternative is no place to be. Those who triumph do so because they never let go of the beautiful vision of true life even while they are surrounded by imitations of life.
Perfect vital vision. Application of concentrated focus. Consistent implementation of all that supports that vision. That’s it. You’ve got this!
In loving service,