Hello, everyone, I just wanted to share this beautiful day with you and also share some rather deep thinking. I think it’s time to explain a little bit about why I go so deeply. And why that depth has proven to be so exalting. And the Exalted Life series which has been so powerful. not just for those who have received knowledge, but for me, to be able to impart it- it’s come from the time of mind and heart to be free enough to think as expansively as I’ve needed to, to gather such important aspects together, to connect them to make sense of how they connect, in order to elevate the whole being, which, yes, we are form, but we’re soul form, we’re soul informed, I won’t go too deeply right now, other than to explain that the reason, the elevation of the, what you might call the physical or the more mundane aspect of the being, is so uplifted, when one gets the, let’s say, the spiritual, mental emotional arts, right, is because they inform our next steps.
So, the best way to do this is, well for me, is making a figure eight, because that’s how I can explain this to you is to make this figure eight and show you that as, as I go up into what would be, let’s say that the mental, emotional, spiritual aspects versus just the physical aspects of deep tissue cleansing, and eviscerating pathogens, and all the things that we do – the elimination, using the enlightener, all these things -the more we can correct what happens up here, the better what happens down here can be.
So for example, when you go up into the top of figure eight, and you learn about the things I teach in Exalted Life I, the virtues, the ways in which we have been manipulated in the mind, the commoditization of self, that those of you who’ve taken the course will understand, when we put all these things together the archetypes if I didn’t say that, I don’t think I did, understanding the archetypes, making sense of all of this, understanding functional and dysfunctional emotion, and how that can either make our lives grand, or totally disempower us, understand the mechanics of power, and the mechanics of energy.
In doing all of that, we then come down into the body, and we can apply more and receive more, when we release the dysfunction in the understandings up here, we create an opening for ourselves to do what’s right, and know how to apply what’s right and learn more and take in more down here.
So, it’s literally like, you know, it’s like two wheels of a bicycle. Going in slow motion, that front wheel goes and that back wheel goes and they go together. So almost we could do this, right? I mean, there we go, the infinity symbol. And as long as those both of those wheels are turning, you’re going to be going somewhere, getting somewhere. If they’re not, if you’re, you know, if you’re merely working down here, and you’re not paying attention to releasing that which is so harmful and holding you back and blocking you here, it doesn’t matter how much unblocking you tried to do down here, you’re not going to get very far. You might be a little better off than the people to the right or left to view. But you’re not going to get that far.
So, we go up, we take what we need, we come down, we do what we need to do. And then we’re elevated This is what’s so important. The process of integrating what we’re doing here makes us empowered to apply what needs to happen here and then we physically become lighter. And then we want to take more from here and then we bring that down more and it’s like the tree with its roots the better the roots are the higher and bigger and more magnificent the tree above the ground above the soil can extend and grow. So, that is that is why this is so important. So, with that I want introduce one more concept.
Next Time: Figure Eight, Part 2
in loving service,