Intelligent Cleansing
Cooked foods and non-vegan foods are not the enemy: just as all raw or vegan foods are not fit for cleansing. It’s not as “black-and-white” as raw vs. cooked, or vegan vs. meat eater.
Intelligent cleansing is much more of a tapestry of what is good for our physiology, while also balanced for our emotions and yet also convenient for our lifestyle.
Yes, raw fruits and vegetables are the purest food for man, but knowing what we know about women today, we know that a woman fed exclusively on raw fruits and vegetables would bloat up and awaken waste that she could not pass fully on her own, and possibly arouse symptoms that would make her terribly uncomfortable.
Our bodies are more compromised and we have more addictions and social pressures around food. All of this must be tempered with what we know about cleansing for it to be of real, lasting effect. Including fish and goat cheese may not be pure foods but that’s okay. We need less-than-pure foods to intelligently cleanse in today’s world and in today’s body.
When it comes to detoxification, cooked vegetables, fish, and raw cheeses can be much more helpful than the common raw or vegan diet for several reasons.
(1) By incorporating some cooked and non-vegan foods, the body is prevented from over cleansing. The raw fruits and vegetables magnetize the acid waste out of the cells with their rich alkalinity, high enzyme content, and hydration. If we were to eat raw, water-containing fruits and vegetables exclusively at every meal we would be “awakening” copious amounts of waste at every meal. This would overwhelm the bowel and make detox an untenable experience riddled with cleansing symptoms and much reabsorbed waste. (When waste is not eliminated after a few days of awakening, it recirculates in the body and becomes reabsorbed into the tissues.)
(2) These high-quality, non-raw-vegan choices are easier to digest than many raw-vegan foods, and
(3) These foods provide enjoyment and stimulation without feeding yeast.
Cooked foods, which are usually shunned in detox and raw-diet programs, are actually a help and not a hindrance when cleansing. The cooked food helps slow the cleanse to the perfect degree for maximum waste elimination without reabsorption. I cannot count the number of raw food women who have come to me for help after months of trying to be all raw. The raw food propaganda out there is very alluring. But without intelligent transition and bowel cleansing, it is a disaster for women.
Extract from Detox 4 Women by Natalia Rose