Raw Confusion
The original intention of the raw food movement was to bring high-water-content plant food back into the diet because it contained Life Force Energy and enzymes that the standard diet lacked. Raw food’s origin was rooted in recognizing the value of simple food and its potential to clean cells. There was never a rule that one must eat “100 percent raw” to be accepted into the “raw club”.
Today, raw has taken a gross misstep away from those original, pure tenets by focusing on dense food that is difficult to digest like nuts, seeds, and raw grains in even harder to digest combinations, as well as way too much fat in the form of coconut butter, oils, and sugars.
The True Healers
Unfortunately, this generation of raw has become another fad approach to eating that misses the mark. Raw juices, fresh fruits, and vegetables are the true healers, but there is still plenty of room of high-quality, well-combined cooked food in your detox diet!
Extract from Detox 4 Women by Natalia Rose