The Carrot Trick

The Carrot Trick

Sweet, Delicious and Hydrating: Organic Carrots


Keep bags of organic carrots in the fridge for pre-dinner munchies.

Not only are they sweet and delicious but there are also very hydrating after a long day. You can eat an entire 2 pound bag of carrots for your unwinding, reading the mail, or putting your kids to bed.

This would take the edge off your appetite, nurse your body with organic minerals and enzymes, and give your children a good example of a smart snack.


In loving service,



Veg & Cheese

Veg & Cheese

Veg & Cheese


I’ll admit it – sometimes the memory of Mac & Cheese comes back to me fondly. Luckily, this super simple recipe satisfies me far beyond what traditional Mac & Cheese ever could. I happily consume this most nights during the winter and still wake up feeling light!




1 head broccoli florets, or 1 zucchini, sliced 1/4

2 carrots, sliced 1/4

2 oz. raw goat cheddar, shredded

1 tbsp raw sheep pecorino, shredded

1/2 tbsp organic butter (optional)




Steam the broccoli florets, layered over the carrots, for about 7 minutes until the carrots are tender, but broccoli is still bright.

Serve in a bowl, topped with butter (optional) and cheese.

You may also want to lay a nest of raw baby spinach at the bottom of the bowl to up your enzymes & chlorophyl!


Enjoy whole heartedly!


Dish is pictured with organic marinara, on a bed of baby kale.


Recipe by the Natalia Rose Institute