by natalia | Aug 29, 2021 | Eating, Health & Wellness, Health Foods
The Truth about Fruit
Many people love the inclusion of fruit in their diet. That is totally cool. If fruit is working for you – as it does for many people depending on age, gender, length of time cleansing, etc. – then carry on with it. I was a huge fan of fruit in my first decade of cleansing. Remember that I am just a guide. You must do what works for you (and to determine just what that is takes a great deal of experimentation and discretion on your part).
Let me take a quick second to spotlight why I avoid fruit personally and guide the vast majority of my clients away from fruit. But please note, as you read this that this is in no way to debate whether fruit works for you. It is simply what I have come to based on my personal and professional journey. Fruit lovers, please carry on so long as fruit loves you back. The following is specifically for those for whom fruit may be undermining their health goals or who may find that while fruit works presently, it may not be ideal at a future juncture. With all that contextualized, here’s my beef with fruit:
- Fruit that we obtain in supermarkets today is not the wild fruit that was growing hundreds of years ago (or even the relatively benign variety of 30 or more years ago). Today’s fruit is highly inclined toward mold, degenerated to an almost indistinguishable degree from its original state, extensively hybridized to be more or less merely sugar and water in a colorful container.
- Today’s fruit is largely seedless and therefore without the life force it was designed to conduct. Fresh, raw fruit as it grew wildly before the advent of the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago was without a doubt the perfect food for humans. That does not mean that the grocery store fruits circa 2021 are remotely equal.
- The human bio-terrain, like the post-agricultural revolution terrain, is primed for mold and parasites which feed off and proliferate when mixed with any form of sugar. This makes all sugars, even raw fruit sugars problematic for the vast majority of modern people.
- Modern humans are highly estrogenic due to both excessive exposure to environmental estrogens as well as personal hormone secretion running amok. Estrogen breeds yeasts like candida which cause too many problems to mention here — but they all feed on sugars. Estrogen dominance used to be a mainly female issue but today it is gaining on men as well.
- In a world where nearly ½ of the western population is expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime (which means just as many if not more are walking around with a precancerous proclivity toward fungus in the body), fruit sadly is a great danger as it feeds fungus.
All in, if you’re including fruit to a degree that seems to be suiting you, I say be cautiously optimistic. If you are living in a highly alkaline environment and you know you are not estrogen dominant, you know you are not hosting parasites or home to heavy metals (say you’ve chelated them and you eat an otherwise clean diet with no processed foods, low starch, etc. and hang your hat far from cities and cell phone towers), and (here’s the biggie now…you ready) you’re totally asymptomatic (meaning you don’t get any symptoms – no headaches, no tooth sensitivities, no joint pain, you sleep soundly, etc.), then okay, include the fruits you love and try to not just get organic fruit but procure wild fruits. If you’re symptomatic, no fruit and no sugars other than pure raw, fresh green leaf-ground stevia (not processed stevias). Sorry, but that’s the tough love hard truth.
These are modern conditions we’re contending with. We are modern people; we are doing the clean-up work for many generations on ourselves and our communities. And just promise yourselves this: be flexible enough to change when something stops working for you – and be in tune with yourselves enough to know the moment that happens.
Now, if you are a female, living in acidic conditions (cities/suburbs, with stress, typical Western dietetic history, have taken the pill, been vaccinated, had many a series of antibiotics in your lifetime, take pharmaceuticals, get migraines, experience heavy, difficult menses, are moody or over 35 and trying to lose weight, definitely consider nixing fruit completely.
In loving service,
by natalia | Jun 15, 2021 | Eating, Green-centric Diet, Health & Wellness, Health Foods
Next we have all low-starch organically grown vegetables (think everything from tomatoes to Brussels sprouts, parsnip, broccoli, beets, carrots, etc. Many of you are aware and concerned that almost all of our modern vegetables (with the exception of wild greens) are hybridized so we cannot hope to avoid all hybridized vegetables. That debate comes up a lot…to which I say, enjoy them as part of a GREEN-CENTRIC diet with a tissue cleansing lifestyle and you will not have any problem (but you will have lots of pleasure to fuel your long-term commitment, which is what really matters!). Organic lemons are also top of the low-entropy heap. We love them organic lemons!
Fruits are a very tricky category and generally best to avoid at large (with some wriggle room). Here’s what you need to know: inorganically grown, hybridized fruits that are picked before they are ripe are a disaster and super-high-entropy! All our fruits today are way too sugary so they will eat away at the tissue and feed pathogens.
However, organic fruits also have a great deal of sun-power and a whole lot of kinetic energy because of the sun energy and their high-water content so, it’s not the same as eating other sugary foods. I would go very easy on them though if you’re determined to enjoy them and always only on an empty stomach (never with or following other food categories as in for dessert). Eventually, hopefully wild fruits will come back as our world realizes what domestication of plant life does to undermine the intelligence quotient in our food supply. Domestication of plants, animals and humans are all very high-entropy events.
But, at the core (allow the pun) today’s fruits (even the organic variety) are not “original fruit” and should not be treated as the perfect human food that “original fruit” (a.k.a. wild fruit that was available hundreds of years ago) was.
I hope this helps you further connect the dots and gets you ever closer to the ecstatic, inspired, syntropic, super-high frequency life-experience!
in loving service,
by natalia | Mar 17, 2021 | Green-centric Diet, Health & Wellness, Health Foods
Fruit is Not What it Used to Be
So many wonderful, well-meaning people encouraging high fruit intake veganism, however…
Just remember that fruit is NOT what it was hundreds of years ago. Today’s fruit is a hybridized candy and it feeds pathogens like you don’t want to know.
Just about everyone is riddled with fungus like candida (yeah, sounds like “candy” right?!) and parasites.
Unless you were raised on a desert island & birthed by the natives of that island, you’ve got to be very careful around fruit. There’s true fruit which grows wildly (not farmed/domesticated). True fruit is naturally very low in sugar and very small in size. And then there is modern fruit which, even if organic, is simply akin to mainlining sugar.
Give it some thought: imagine you are a human petri-dish. Think about what modern fruit does inside your body when it meets with putrefaction and ferments the whole time it is going through your intestinal tract. What is the chemical result?
Green Vegetables All the Way
A high-fruit diet is a nice idea in theory but it’s not the reality. Green-centric, cleansers! Stay Green-centric and find peace with simple, non-sweet vegetables as your foundation (ideally 85-90% of your intake). Watch the nuts, legumes, grains and vegan substitute foods, and all the ornate raw food treats too, vegans & raw foodists. Sorry, but I’m here to help you restore and become powerful, not tell you tales.
in loving service,
by natalia | Mar 4, 2021 | Books, Green-centric Diet, Health & Wellness, Health Foods
Essential Properties of Cleansing Foods
HIGH-VIBRATION FOODS (Rich in Life Force Energy)
In the modern age, with so much conflicting information, it can be misleading to categorize foods as either healthy or unhealthy. What truly determines whether a food has a high health quotient is how much natural vitality that food has, combined with how it reacts once it enters the body.
A food’s vitality is equal to its life force energy quotient, measured by how harmoniously and rapidly it vibrates on the subatomic level.
Typically, the more water-containing the food, and the more directly it derived its energy from the sun, the more life force energy it contains.
So what are the most high-vibration foods that work in harmony with the human body? For the committed detox dieter who is no longer acidic, yeasted, or intestinally impacted, organically raised fruits grown in full sun are extremely high on the life force scale and the ideal high-vibration food.
For the rest of you, whose acidity and yeast levels are high, the ideal foods are organic leafy greens and other organic raw vegetables. Organic raw vegetables are our greatest catalysts to healing.
Notice that I say catalysts, because foods in and of themselves are not healers; rather, it’s the body that does the healing. All we can do is cultivate the right environment—that is, a healthy internal ecosystem—with high-vibration alkaline foods to help continually remove blockages and infuse our blood, cells, tissues, and organs with life force energy.
When we give the body the chance to rebalance and heal itself, it begins the work of cellular renewal, and it will continue to do so for as long as we let it.
That’s why a detox diet, for Chef Doris and me, is not merely a stopgap for short-term weight loss. Rather, it is a way of life that continually heals and reenergizes the body, as the body has been designed to do all along.
Never forget that all life is an energetic system. That’s why the body responds so well to living foods with harmonious high vibrations. So the next time you eat a scrumptious raw salad, savor the sensation of supercharging every cell in your body.
From: The Fresh Energy Cookbook by Natalia Rose & Doris Choi