by natalia | Dec 22, 2021 | Health & Wellness, Personal Development
The Test
If you are struggling right now, remember it’s a testing. You want a quick tutorial for the test? Here you go: don’t do what’s merely expedient; do what’s right. Don’t do what’s easy; do what protects and honors your Soul (and the Source from which your Soul expresses).
Don’t do what the majority does because the majority chooses from fear, programming & conditioning. Don’t continue to make excuses or allowances for people’s patterns of abuse. Don’t be docile when you’re dealing with dangerous, hurtful, harmful people. You will continue to be drained and left to rebuild again & again.
Do what is right, even if it is the harder choice, even if it means having to galvanize courage you don’t access regularly. Do what ennobles your Soul; your Soul is the only true thing of value despite illusions otherwise.
Keep your boundaries solid. You know what is unworthy of entry in your life – often this means cutting ties with those closest to you if they cannot behave and be kind. That is not your fault so stop carrying the shame and responsibility for them. Be bold and unapologetic with what keeps your body, mind & heart intact.
It’s Always a Choice
You’re given choices every second: it comes down to the choice that depletes/drains you and the choice that empowers/energizes you. Anyone who would wish you to lower your boundaries or your standards so they can get in and destroy you (per their historic patterns) needs to be cut out – period.
Your Time to be Fierce is NOW
Time to be tough if you’ve been too allowing and constantly disrespected. Time to be fierce and in your ferocity enjoy all the happiness you deserve. This goes for anything & everything!
In loving service,
by natalia | Dec 20, 2021 | Green-centric Diet, Health & Wellness, Health Foods
Daily Green Juice
It’s been over 20 years since I started daily green juices. I treasure them every day with the most enormous gratitude! They can be made utterly delicious if you get the ingredients & order right. It’s this knack that will make all the difference.
Ingredients to My Perfect Green Juice
My daily green juices are so smooth and hydrating because of the balance of greens: first juice the darker greens (your parsley, kale, chard or arugula). Next goes the romaine lettuce if you have it. Then, in go the cucumbers (1-2 per person). Then the ginger knob and finally the lemons (I use the whole lemon with rind). Make sure the filter is not clogged and always super clean to ensure the juice is without any pulp (strain if needed as you want it super smooth). I add a few drops of liquid stevia – but that’s up to you. This juice tastes unbelievable. After all these years I love it more than ever. Pure, clean, refreshing life-generating elixir!
Food that is Force from the Source
It really is the simple things that elevate our lives: alkaline air, a peaceful heart, inspired thoughts and the highest vibration, super-hydration energy drink on the planet powered by the golden Force from the Source.
In loving service,
by natalia | May 28, 2021 | Soul
We are Here to Grow our Soul-Force
At a certain point each one of us will come to discover that we are here in human form to grow our Soul-Force. When we reach this crystal clear realization, suddenly we are so easily able to walk away from a culture of folly. When we experience this flash of truth, all that is inferior to this mission to grow our souls becomes obviously silly, such as the goal to make lots of money, to achieve status, to claim an enviable place among the social hierarchy, etc.
When we come to value our Soul-Force above all, we confidently walk away from culture and all that goes with it and we truly don’t care what the outcome may be because nothing is sweeter or more valuable to us than having our Soul-Force intact.
When we prioritize the integrity of our Soul-Force, we are in flow with life and have tasted a little known (but far greater) kind of success.
We have triumphed over the forces of error, of disease, of pettiness & drama, greed and unquenchable appetites. We have transcended the cult of culture and discovered the incalculable wealth that we truly are. Soul-Force is the most prized currency in the Multi-verses. If your Soul-Force has been co-opted away in large part, as is the case for most people, it’s time to retrieve it whilst cleansing and strengthening your being. Times are changing for the better for those who are well-prepared, well-rested and ready for battle.
In loving service,
by natalia | Apr 20, 2021 | Health & Wellness, Soul
Self Care
Try not to do much aside from your self-care and tending gently to others as required. Schedule as little as possible.
Prioritize deep breathing, long hot baths, long sleeps, walks in nature or fresh water swims as suits your nature.
Deep peace, lucidity and remaining intact is as good as gold right now (and possibly more rare).
The things that seemed to matter before (like material success, vanity, external achievements, the rat race, etc.) don’t matter anymore.
It’s not easy to stay sane with so much incoherence vibrating around your aethers. But that is what is being asked of us and what will forge us, by fire and pressure like swords & diamonds into a Great, Blazing Golden Soul!
There is more going on than we know right now in the realm of Soul-Force. We are being forged into greater beings if we do not melt or buckle under the heat & pressure.
Take great care of your integrity (on all levels) and stay in the incorruptible Light. Nothing else matters.
If we survive this intact, we will level up.
in loving service,
by natalia | Mar 28, 2021 | Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Soul
Soul Force
S.F. stands for Soul Force. Now, we know these are unprecedented times, but one thing is sure, your life’s achievements are not what is accomplished in the classroom, in the boardroom, in social circles or in any aspect of our cultural directives or expectations.
Whatever happens, the success or failure of your life depends upon your Soul-Force. Your job right now is to get right with your Soul. If you fall into drama, you lose. If you fall prey to fear, you lose. You can lose your life and still win if you display courage, honor, integrity and love.
This life is precious, yes, in a sense it is. But it is not the most precious. More precious by far is your Soul which transcends lifetimes in physical form and which must take precedence.
Don’t fear for the loss of this life. Place your Soul far above this passage through form. Get right with your Soul and stay there. It will take work. But everything else in life is out of one’s control and pure folly to try to preserve. Do your best to have a body that will withstand pathogens but focus on that far higher calling, preserving, protecting and nobly defending what you truly are: your Soul-Force. Focus on that and you’ll have succeeded, no matter what the earthly outcome.
in loving service,