Cleansing Foods
Non-Yeast-Feeding Cleansing Foods
We are far more vulnerable to yeast overgrowth today than we’ve ever been before, thanks to higher levels of acidity (both in and outside the body) and constant exposure to environmental estrogens.
The combination of acidity and excessive amounts of estrogen creates the perfect breeding ground for yeast and fungus (yeast is a single-celled fungus). So all of us, but especially women, need to be vigilant against developing and feeding an over-yeasted system.
For many people, this means creating a very yeast-sensitive diet—by eliminating almost all sugars and starches. This may sound really daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.
First of all, you can start starving off your yeast colonies immediately just by consuming fewer sugars and starches than you typically consume.
However, if you are really struggling with yeast-related symptoms (such as excess weight, bloat, moodiness, and skin issues), you will want to cut way down on sugars and starches until you’ve eradicated those yeast colonies.
Unfortunately, fruit is a yeast feeder, because as far as yeast is concerned, sugar is sugar. In an ideal environment, fruit would be an ideal food for humans; but in the modern environment of high acidity and excess estrogens, fruit can perpetuate the yeast problem.
Also, the way fruits are grown and prematurely picked today, they are often more acidic than they should be for human consumption, and many fruits are becoming yeasted themselves due to soil imbalances and pesticides.
FROM: The Fresh Energy Cookbook by Natalia Rose and Doris Choi