The Exalted Life – Early Registration Ends Sunday!
The Exalted Life
Eight Essential Spiritual Secrets for Your Highest Possible Embodiment NOW!
It was a warm spring day in New York City in 2001. I had just resigned from my corporate job because I felt the intensity of a calling to share what I had learned, practiced and experienced in my own body, in my being through deep tissue cleansing. I took a big leap – it was a calculated risk but I knew in my bones that I had discovered something that I had to pass along to the world.
Now it is March 2021, exactly 20 years later, and I realized in a flash a few months ago that I found myself in almost exactly the same position I was in 20 years earlier; that of realizing that what I was suffering from was not unlike what so many millions of people were suffering from and I was in a unique position to help. Again, I am taking a calculated risk but my thinking is the same as it was then: I believe that what I am going through is pervasive among my culture at least. If I was able to help myself, manage and triumph in the face of it, perhaps others who are suffering may be helped too. So here, in this moment, I am going to take the second biggest leap in my professional life and give you what I have learned so you can rise to your highest potential despite the nature of the world around you.
Unless I’ve missed my guess, you are a good person with a good heart. You strive to be a positive influence on your surroundings and you aim to apply natural law and experience positive karmic consequences. You may not be perfect or have perfect discipline but you undertake to do the right thing and yet, the challenges, confusions and difficulties just seem to mount. Often, these challenges seem exacerbated by the behavior and unnecessary negativity or influence of people in your very near orbit, some, like close family members and spouses or children which are hard if not impossible to avoid. And then, there is your own behavior and your own inclinations that let you down.
I get it. We’re going to address it and once this day is through, I believe you will have all the tools and insights, keys and secrets decoded so that you will not be at the mercy of these situations any longer and can rise into a being far vaster than the one you were before you were aware of these insights and secrets.
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in loving service,