From The Battlefield:


I stand here on the battlefield

Having slain my inner fools

I scrutinize the landscape

And burn all life-defeating rules


I log the land traversed

The mountain-faces scaled

Death-defying inclines

And yet it’s clear I have not failed


My feet are still beneath me

Five and a half feet below my gaze

And my eyes are still cast upwards

With gratitude for days


My mind is clear and steady

My heart is pure and light

Tho the arrows fly incessantly

I dodge them left and right


I’ve withstood here on the battlefield

What no one ever should

Yet I know I’m not the only one

Who warriors through this ‘hood


If you find yourself, one day or night

On dangerous terrain

Galvanize your righteousness

Place virtue where there’s pain


Don’t let self-pity swallow you

Don’t go down that doomed, weak path

Defy the pull to sulk and fear

And rise with strength to act!


Yes, it’s hard! You’re fighting!

But look how you’re fielding swords

This is not the time for comfort and ease

Leave the world to its foolhardy rewards


Who said this was meant to be glamorous?!

What warped illusion promised ease?!

The biggest mistake you can make in a fight

Is believing the enemy can be appeased


My message is simple: be grateful!

You are on your feet and surveying the land

Your fast-twitch responses are working

And your radiant heart beams God-force with command!


The battlefield eventually calls each of us

It’s a privilege, so best not to flee

Rather gird up your forces of discipline

So that despite the assault, you may succeed!


in loving service,


Natalia Rose