1. The ideal Vegan diet is mostly raw diet peppered with cooked veggies and a very small (if any) amount of grain or starches (some ancient grains if needed and baked winter squashes and yams as desired are okay).
2. The ideal vegan diet includes daily green juices (free of fruit other than lemons).
3. The ideal vegan diet is extremely low in sugar and very careful with fruit. Fruit may be consumed if on an empty stomach and should not be consumed in the absence of regular colon cleansing or if there is any sign of fungal/yeast/parasite (impossible not to have some degree of said pathogens when transitioning from SAD).
4. The ideal vegan diet is approached hand in hand with removing the incomprehensible amount of waste residue in the body through consistent washing of the colon with enemas and colonics – not overlooking that critical Elephant in the room that is the obstruction on the body or the erroneous thinking that this immeasurable waste will be miraculously expelled on its own.
5. The ideal vegan diet does not include fake meat and cheese substitutes but can include fresh nut/seed cheeses & seed/nut milks.
6. The ideal vegan diet goes hand in hand with full scale renovation of the whole being – addressing and releasing one’s toxicity from every area of one’s life. Unblocked emotions and a liberated mind must be the driving factors, not merely dietetic aspirations. The reverse causes suppression and judgment of self and others and ultimately fails in the bigger mission of affirming life to higher degrees.
7. The ideal vegan diet is one that does not over eat or confuse daily nourishment with daily over eating. Intake is tempered with a kind of humble consumption so energy may be high and the individual comes to find its greatest source of nourishment from the Life Force.
8. Finally, the ideal vegan diet does not espouse the idea of the world going vegan only to consume fake meats in place of animal meats. That is NOT a solution for mankind. That is not to say that it is not right for humans to disband with animal flesh consumption (of course that would be wonderful and I believe it will happen) – it is just to say, beware of a NWO/globalist agenda that spotlights such a dystopian dietetic mainstay as vegan meat substitutes looking for applause when that substance is like chewing gum in your system and has nothing to do with your health at all but an agenda of control.
So we must celebrate the trend toward veganism which is happening at warp speeds now and will only continue to accelerate with our children’s generation — but not in a way that controls us or that is misguided in any of the ways I’ve suggested above.
When we require less density and find more of the love-force & life force in ourselves by way of joie de vivre we are truly embodying the light and that is the appropriate application and practice of ideal veganism. 🥕
Here’s to the dawning of that elevated state and the end of a time of unnecessary death and decay for all species on our incomparably beautiful earth-home.