Are you interested in integrating this unique method of diet and tissue cleansing into your nutrition practice or more deeply in your personal life?
I receive dozens of emails each week from people who are have been so wonderfully transformed by this way of living that they actually want to counsel others in this nutritional approach. In response to this need, I have developed a two-day course which I will be offering to both new practitioners as well as pre-established nutritionists and holistic healers who would like to integrate this vein of study into their practices. It will take place over two days in mid-JULY. In the interest of keeping the message pure, I will only be taking on 10-15 students at a time. If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible. There will be an essay and phone interview requirement for each applicant.
It’s high time people not only know the truth about how to get truly well and revitalized but have more guides to help them do it! I cannot do it on my own and my personal bookings are more than I can handle! My role as I see it is to “seed and inspire.” I have been so incredibly blessed to have learned all that I have. What I stumbled upon 10 years ago and have grown since has been so much more than I could ever have dreamed of and now it is time to share my way of teaching to those who can carry the flame.
I have waited and listened for the right moment to train others in this path. And now, I am so honored to know that there are those of you who are ready to take this message to your communities – into your reach which may be small today but unprecedentedly limitless as the future unfolds. You will know from deep within you whether this calling is truly yours. For it is a journey for the valiant since it questions and cancels every programming that is not serving mankind. It presents truths that the public is only now becoming receptive to.
I have created a curriculum that I hope will prove fun, stimulating and far-reaching. It covers everything from conveying this philosophy in a clear way to future clients to actually conducting a “Rose Program style” consultation as well as everything else you will need to know on a professional level. I am also arranging for Gil Jacobs to come in and speak with you all which always promises to enlighten and inspire!
The course will be held on July 24th and 25th and the fee is set at $750 (cash, checks and money orders will be accepted but I’m not set up for CC’s.) Those who need to may certainly split the checks into two payments.) We will be meeting from 11 a.m. -4 p.m. both days. Please email me if you are interested at <a href=””></a> I will be contacting each one of you individually, so kindly include the best number to reach you on.
Yours in vibrant, joyful service,