This recipe is decadent especially if you are following the Detox 4 Women diet since it uses maple syrup and coconut milk but here it goes anyway! (I did try a friendlier version but without it but tasted like really cold mashed sweet potatoes)

• 1 lb roasted sweet potato, mashed

• 2 cups coconut milk

• ¼ maple syrup

• 1 tsp vanilla extract

• 1tbsp pumpkin spice

If you don’t have an ice cream maker, you can freeze your mashed sweet potato. Use an ice cube tray so its not one big frozen lug that you have to stab with a knife to break up (I learned my lesson, ouch!) Add all ingredients in a blender. I like to add chopped up pieces of the unsulphured ginger in cane sugar that they sell in the health food stores for an extra kick! Mix it in manually at the end. More liquid and it’s more of a pudding.