
There’s a story I heard many years ago that stuck with me forever – a sad tale with layers of priceless insights…

Once upon a time there were three very sensitive little kids, around 8-10 years old. They stared in wide-eyed-wonder as they observed the mesmerizing metamorphosis of cocooned caterpillars emerging into beautiful, richly colored, winged butterflies. They loved these caterpillars-come-butterflies but they were also deeply disturbed by what they perceived to be unnecessarily hard work the butterflies had to endure in order to emerge from the cocoons.

One day, they had an idea: if only they could cut away the cocoon just before the transition, the butterflies would not have to struggle! So the kids found a tiny little pair of nail scissors and, at what they deemed to be just the right moment, they carefully cut away the cocoons of the butterflies, confident that their butterfly friends would thank them for it.

As you may have guessed, it did not turn out at all the way the children had anticipated. While the butterflies were indeed fully-formed, they could not fly. The children fell into piles of tears, realizing that their attempt to assist the butterfly babies actually resulted in forever handicapping them.

Metamorphosis literally means, “to change form” – with a connotation to a higher, transcendent form. Like a baby ready to birth or a butterfly ready to emerge from its cocoon, there is no escaping the reality of the authentic journey, and there is not usually even a conscious awareness that a transcendent change of form is at hand. In many ways, if we knew wings were waiting on the other side of a painful journey, the passage would be far easier. No such luck. It’s as if the very absence of knowing is what earns us our “wings.” It is the commitment to doing what is right despite how hard it might be, to following our deepest knowing even in the face of absolute fear, that these miraculous transformations are won.

The baby and the butterfly do, however, offer us a set of fail-proof tips for dark, difficult, intimidating metamorphosis moments: they demonstrate perfect presence, intuition and instinct. Achieving that perfect posture requires putting all projection and apprehension aside so that natural, real intuition and instinct can guide the passage.

There is a confidence we gain when we have to persevere through the dark tunnels that link our transformations. Our beautiful lives are filled with these opportunities but, typically, we tend to just take one look at these challenges/opportunities and see nothing but pain, making a bee-line for the path of least resistance (if we can find one). When we choose instead to undertake our challenges armed with our fullest truth, something else happens, we evolve!

Evolution and syntropy are very similar concepts. Syntropy (more popularly known as “neg-entropy,” the opposite of entropy) means to rise to higher, more rarified orders from lesser, more chaotic arrangements. Syntropy promises unlimited rising to higher forms of life – a kind of gateway to immortality in effect. We can live the syntropic life if we can be really present in the most challenging of times and have the presence of mind to hear and follow our intuition and instinct over our knee-jerk fears.

I don’t know what your unique challenges are but I do know that in them you’ll find your greatest opportunities for metamorphosis. Difficult? Indeed, sometimes more than you think you can bear. But, there is a way through if you maintain the presence of mind and intimacy with your essence such that intuition and instinct can be your steady compass. It is through seizing these moments that we can swing up the syntropic spiral, coming into closer sync with our immortality. For those of you who find immortality too far-fetched, imagine, at least that you will rise out of your perceived land-bound limitations, taking wing with new life.

10 Things I Love About my Sugar Daddy

10 Things I Love About my Sugar Daddy (I’m totally talking about the SUN. As if!)

10. The sun transmits the intelligence of the cosmos directly into our field and bloodstream from the great galactic energy center of our central sun (Plato referred to the central galactic sun as the “supra-celestial” sun). Our sun acts like a step-down transformer for this celestial-sun, bringing the most powerful waves of cosmic intelligence right into us. When we expose our skin, eyes and energy centers to it, we receive a download of galactic proportions!

9. The sun’s healing power is so magnetic and ever ready to purify us that it pulls toxins to the surface (but then, winds up designated a cause of cancer rather than what it truly is: a magnet for cancer and a lens into the state of the internal terrain of the body). It’s not easy being a super-toxin-magnet.

8. The sun is steadfast. As we hurdle through space at lightening speeds, the sun holds center for our solar system, just as the great central sun holds center for our galaxy. It is so “grounded” in space that it holds the whole hurtling cosmic complex together. I like a man with a steady hand in the midst of rapid propulsion. Ladies?

7. The sun may actually have the original Midas touch! That’s right, legend has it that the gold in the earth is made of eons worth of concentrated sunlight! Now, I know that concept is not widely circulated or accepted but from what I know about the qualities of gold and sunlight, I find this quite an easy leap to make. You can decide for yourself.

6. The sun cures! Helio-therapy is one of the most ancient treatments in history. Solar rays have been proven to cure otherwise incurable diseases from tuberculosis to lupus. When used in conjunction with deep tissue cleansing, sunlight is instrumental in healing skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis and acne. In ancient Egypt, gold (remember that gold may be likened to concentrated sunlight thus I believe this applies) was ingested for purification of the body as well as purification of the mind and sprit. It was understood that the gold essence stimulated the life-force and raised the vibration of the individual. It was also believed that wearing gold could heal all manner of illnesses. Colloidal gold (or “activated gold”) is still used in natural medicine today, particularly for the heart, circulation, treating arthritis and alcoholism.

5. The sun is the source of life. I could stop here. No sun, no fun.

4. The sun is the great beautifier (despite it’s reputation for making you look like a dried out prune). It’s not quite so black and white as that: when you are significantly tissue-cleansed, you can receive large amounts of sun daily and not burn – you simply receive the warm, intelligent penetration and turn a beautiful caramel-gold color all the while. In this cleansed condition, the sun will also tighten your skin (you read that right), rather than break it down. Post-cleansed individuals have an exceedingly positive experience with the sun (cosmetically, energetically and mentally), in sharp contrast to pre-cleansed individuals who generally consider the sun the enemy because so much heat and light makes them physically uncomfortable and mentally weary. Bear in mind that the sun is not the enemy; it’s the individual’s state of being that clashes with the desire of the sun to penetrate and heal. It’s not altogether different to what occurs when someone with a good deal of intestinal impaction drinks a medicinal green juice (naturally they should start on cucumbers and romaine, not parsley and kale). In fact, that’s a solid analogy. I used to burn to a crisp with my Irish-Russian heritage, but for the last 15 years I’ve sun-bathed with absolute abandon and never burned. I never use SPF (almost all of it is highly carcinogenic and made even more so when it chemically reacts with the sun – although there are natural options that are good to use in transition and when one is in the sun for prolonged periods). I’ll simply don a hat if needed and generous amounts of coconut oil (if anything). I prefer nothing get between me and my Sugar Daddy wink emoticon

3. The sun is an excellent example of what it means to love everyone equally and unconditionally. The sun doesn’t withhold its light, wisdom and warmth from some while it lavishes others. No ways – it gives of its life-generating bounty to all!

2. The sun makes the highest quality food! Sun foods are foods that are akin to eating sunlight – foods that contain the sun’s energy that’s simply been synthesized into material form. Chlorophyll is pure synthesized sunlight and therefore the closest thing we have to eating the source of life on this planet.

1. The sun teaches me everything about what it means to be a life-generator. It reminds me of the glow we all have within – that beautiful power in the center of our being that can sustain our whole individual proverbial “micro solar-system.” It reminds me that in steadfastness and consistency of goodness miracles of life naturally manifest. It reminds me to give my light and warmth to all and, finally, that radiant energy needs to do nothing more than to be itself – it’s okay to be a “one trick pony” if you’ve got a really great trick!

So, if the definition of a Sugar Daddy is “a much older man that lavishes gifts and support on a much younger woman,” the shoe fit and damn do we have a good thing going’!

How do life-systems work and how can I repair mine?

Recently, a student asked me what I think of the 80-10-10 diet. As you can imagine, I am asked about various dietary approaches all the time and while the questions are all entirely valid (what do I think about raw or Paleo or blood type, Sugar Busters, Atkins, or Zone or Banting, 80-10-10, Clean, veganism, etc., ad infinitum), this is not the question that’s going to enable you to reach your highest physical, mental and emotional expression. There is a better question to ask: “How do life-systems work and how can I repair mine?” That is an exciting question with a much more rewarding answer. (Then, if you like you can measure the dietary approach in question against the truth of what you learn about the repair of your living-system.)

All life-systems, especially your unfathomably remarkable body, operate as an interconnected, life-force-conducting-network. If the threads that connect the network are compromised by being cut or having something blocking their conductivity, the whole system will be weakened. Weakened threads only grow weaker when an active remediation process is not applied. This is why we see steady decline in the human being – it is constantly exposed to an onslaught of daily events that weaken its threads.

Undertaking the repair of the compromised threads is the only meaningful M.O. of a self-healer (or a healing catalyst).

Branded dietary approaches merely distract from this…as you might guess, all the popular circulating diets have some germs of truth to them but a germ of truth is not going to raise us to our highest human potential. It will just keep us spinning out of health, steadily weakening the threads of our life-force-network.

There is no branded diet on the market that is dynamic enough to check every box for full remediation of the integrity of your living system. However, there is a process that will do that – deep tissue cleansing coupled with recapitulation process for the mind and heart. I go into these in great detail in all of my work so I won’t repeat what that means here. But therein you have the process required for your absolute restoration and anything short of that will simply not take you where you want to go – assuming you want to restore your human technology to its primo-functionality and live your highest potential.

As for 80-10-10’s effectiveness as part of this remediation process, that’s spotty – yes, theoretically, fruit is the most ideal food for man. Unfortunately, what we get in grocery stores today is not original fruit but a hybridized super-sugared up version of fruit. Wild fruit grown in humus rich soil 10,000 years ago and then entering the bio-chemistry of a healthy human (not infested with yeast, mold and parasites like the modern human is, and assuming clean intestinal tissue) would be an excellent way of transmitting solar energy into the human body. But that is a far cry from the scenario today.

That’s not to say that a lot of people don’t report feeling much more energetic and find they lose loads of excess weight going from a mainstream diet (or even a “sloppy” vegetarian or vegan diet) to 80-10-10. Naturally, one has to consider the upgrade from the previously heinous diet to intake of water-rich fruits and greens! But the situation is full of nuance – there’s the bio-chemistry of the fruit itself to consider (highly questionable), the body it is entering (its degree of pathogenic overload), the lineage of that body (Western European or from the Caribbean – that will have a huge impact), the frequency of bowel cleansing (loads of fruit and little bowel elimination is a recipe for disaster), whether the individual can navigate the awakening of poisons that takes place when large quantities of fruit are eaten and whether they will know when to back off when it’s not working for them any longer. Modern humans are not well suited to such major intake of hybridized fruit.

All that said, if an approach calls to you on your path, then you must explore it.

Don’t take my word or anyone else’s for anything. First-hand knowledge (though not always fun in the gaining) is indeed always the most satisfying. In the end, it’s your quest and you must pursue your pot of gold! I can only tell you what my personal and professional experience has shown me.

On my personal journey, I have found that there have been moments when large quantities of fruit have served me very well and other times, not at all.

On the cleansing journey we have to know what signs to look for so we don’t take yesterday’s truth into tomorrow, where it doesn’t belong. May your network of life be restored to its fullest integrity and resound in the highest frequency of love.

The 80-10-10 Diet

Recently, a student asked me what I think of the 80-10-10 diet. As you can imagine, I am asked about various dietary approaches all the time and while the questions are all entirely valid (what do I think about raw or Paleo or blood type, Sugar Busters, Atkins, or Zone or Banting, 80-10-10, Clean, veganism, etc., ad infinitum), this is not the question that’s going to enable you to reach your highest physical, mental and emotional expression. There is a better question to ask: “How do life-systems work and how can I repair mine?” That is an exciting question with a much more rewarding answer. (Then, if you like you can measure the dietary approach in question against the truth of what you learn about the repair of your living-system.)

All life-systems, especially your unfathomably remarkable body, operate as an interconnected, life-force-conducting-network. If the threads that connect the network are compromised by being cut or having something blocking their conductivity, the whole system will be weakened. Weakened threads only grow weaker when an active remediation process is not applied. This is why we see steady decline in the human being – it is constantly exposed to an onslaught of daily events that weaken its threads.

Undertaking the repair of the compromised threads is the only meaningful M.O. of a self-healer (or a healing catalyst).

Branded dietary approaches merely distract from this…as you might guess, all the popular circulating diets have some germs of truth to them but a germ of truth is not going to raise us to our highest human potential. It will just keep us spinning out of health, steadily weakening the threads of our life-force-network.

There is no branded diet on the market that is dynamic enough to check every box for full remediation of the integrity of your living system. However, there is a process that will do that – deep tissue cleansing coupled with recapitulation process for the mind and heart. I go into these in great detail in all of my work so I won’t repeat what that means here. But therein you have the process required for your absolute restoration and anything short of that will simply not take you where you want to go – assuming you want to restore your human technology to its primo-functionality and live your highest potential.

As for 80-10-10’s effectiveness as part of this remediation process, that’s spotty – yes, theoretically, fruit is the most ideal food for man. Unfortunately, what we get in grocery stores today is not original fruit but a hybridized super-sugared up version of fruit. Wild fruit grown in humus rich soil 10,000 years ago and then entering the bio-chemistry of a healthy human (not infested with yeast, mold and parasites like the modern human is, and assuming clean intestinal tissue) would be an excellent way of transmitting solar energy into the human body. But that is a far cry from the scenario today.

That’s not to say that a lot of people don’t report feeling much more energetic and find they lose loads of excess weight going from a mainstream diet (or even a “sloppy” vegetarian or vegan diet) to 80-10-10. Naturally, one has to consider the upgrade from the previously heinous diet to intake of water-rich fruits and greens! But the situation is full of nuance – there’s the bio-chemistry of the fruit itself to consider (highly questionable), the body it is entering (its degree of pathogenic overload), the lineage of that body (Western European or from the Caribbean – that will have a huge impact), the frequency of bowel cleansing (loads of fruit and little bowel elimination is a recipe for disaster), whether the individual can navigate the awakening of poisons that takes place when large quantities of fruit are eaten and whether they will know when to back off when it’s not working for them any longer. Modern humans are not well suited to such major intake of hybridized fruit.

All that said, if an approach calls to you on your path, then you must explore it.

Don’t take my word or any one else’s for anything. First hand knowledge (though not always fun in the gaining) is indeed always the most satisfying. In the end, it’s your quest and you must pursue your pot of gold! I can only tell you what my personal and professional experience has shown me.

On my personal journey, I have found that there have been moments when large quantities of fruit have served me very well and other times, not at all.

On the cleansing journey we have to know what signs to look for so we don’t take yesterday’s truth into tomorrow, where it doesn’t belong. May your network of life be restored to its fullest integrity and resound in the highest frequency of love.